What Sweeney can't stand is competition or that their abortive attempt to enter the console market with their failed Steam Machine was entirely their own fault. There's nothing new about demonizing the competition. It's a tried and true method of deflecting criticisms of one's own failures.
Just another open world GTA style game, with it's own unique gimmics. *yawn* The online play will devolve into the usual nonsense, and only the more gifted players will ever exploit the gimmics. Graphics? Who cares?
I think I liked Gamespot better before it became The Monty Python show. Everyone sounds like they'd make great voice actors for the next FABLE game--or maybe they are!
@slefo29 Your right, you really are confused. In the interest attaining that balance between framerate and graphics, Microsoft lets the studio decide what framerate their games run. Whereas Sony mandates that all games display in native 1080p. The XB1 only displays in 1080p, and upscales any game that isn't to that resolution. Since most people play games on screens that don't do justice to THIS generation's hardware, this is mainly a squabble between the small percentage of gamers who do. So, the XB1 elite will be stuck watching upscaled 720p graphics in COD, much as the Sony faithful will have to watch lowly 720p graphics in single player KZSF.
It's another inter-active movie for a PlayStation Console, which has been a staple of the system since it's creation. You either love'm or hate'm, and, apparently there's enough love for them to keep them going.
HAMMERCLAW's comments