I just wanted to post some funny stuff so here it is, I hope you will like it.
PC fanboys - AI controlled slaves, they all took the blue pill making their world of gaming so perfect and before you know it, they find all of the inferior flawed designed consoles and beat it to death, however, they took the blue pill which blinds them for all of the errors, bugs and complicated design of their short lived systems, hope they take the red pill one day to see how deeply the rabbit whole goes...
Xbox 360 Fanboys -Blind devotion is their mantra. Usually identified by frequent interruptions in gameplay, usually caused by their consoles breaking down, otherwise known as the dreaded "RRoD." Their consoles break down more than a used '73 Honda. Just wait them out, eventually their consoles break for good and they shut the hell up.
PS3 Fanboys -Extreme poverty is their calling card. After dropping $700 dollars, just to play Motorstorm, these fanboys appear emaciated from lack of food and water, that they cannot afford. If you find yourself surrounded by a pack of hungry PS3 fanboys, don't forget the oldest trick in the book: ask a fanboy how to hook up their PS3 to a high definition TV. When the confusion ensues, run.
Wii Fanboys -Easily tricked. This group, mostly made up by the elderly and small children are easily duped into most anything. Bogus Mortgages, getting into a stranger's car, or even "next-gen" gaming. Ask them how many times they've played Wii Sports.... and be amazed.
Console fanboys - Spurred by the anonymity of the interwebs and an irrational sense of pride, these fanboys go to any length and take any shred of data, no matter how far removed from video gaming it is, to prove their console's superiority.
Halo Fanboys -Twenty something men that are visually identified by bulging neck veins, usually caused by screaming at anyone that doesn't bow down to Halo Jesus. Online, you'll usually find them dropping F-bombs on anyone that frags them, boy or girl. Lovely.
Mario Fanboys - Dorky, late twenties to mid-thirties men, who love the "retro" scene. When talking video games, these guys will always try to steer any video game conversation to the "best game ever" or the "most sold video game" or best "platformer" EVAR, Super Mario. Favorite song? Any stupid Youtube video where some wierdo plays the Mario theme with their feet, nose, or other body part.
Zelda Fanboys -Can be any age. Easy to tell by the confusion in their voice, after you ask them to tell you the difference in storyline from one Zelda game from the next. They usually go into catatonic shock as they lack the ability to realize that every Zelda game has the same freaking storyline. Also loves boomerangs.
Madden Fanboys -Identified by football jerseys, baggy pants, trash talk and raw stupidity, these fanboys love them some football. Yes, they can tell the difference between a shotgun formation and a wishbone formation, but ask them to tell you the difference between Madden 2007 and 2008, and watch as they slip into a catatonic state. Fear not, they're easily resuscitated by either roasted turkey, or Sunday.
Sonic Fanboys - Avoid at all costs. Very strange. Only come out during full moons.
Call of Duty 4 Fanboys -Mostly like the Halo 3 fanboys above, but much scarier due to their aptitude in using real-world firearms.
Crysis fanboys -Mostly teenagers full of raging harmones that takes any bit of a chance to show you how masculine Crysis is in graphics and don't even try to mention graphics because the moment you sneeze about graphics, Crysis pics pop up more than the trees and buildings in GTA, talk about best graphics console wise or post about the sexiest woman on earth a Crysis mod for the same girl appears out of nowhere.
Gears of War Fanboys -A formerly large group that has seen its numbers dwindle recently after a spate of what has been called "chainsaw accidents." These fanboys will eventually thin itself out on their own after Gears of War 2 comes out. Be sure to encourage these fanboys to seek out other like-minded GoW fanboys, for the always fun "chainsaw battles."
Imaginary Game Fanboys -See PS3 fanboys above. These fanboys love to talk about something called Metal Gear Solid 4...
What kind of fanboy you fit in?
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