seems like they keep back peddling or going around in circles on this topic to hide the real answer to it cause they cant flat out say it but dont want to say the truth of it in fear of loosing out on money or not selling their product so instead they are being super shady by tip toeing around the subject.
this is bullshit & just goes to show that their main DealWithIt pal, is the step in the right direction in how they want to treat their customers.
i still dont get die hard fans that are giving MS excuses about their console, still.
what is it that is so awesome about it?
is it the sports or the fact that they cater to the lazy with this new machine
they kept talking about exclusives & i kept waiting for them. Exclusives aren't DLC being sent to ONE console first. i think they lost the understanding of what exclusives mean. EA is not a partnership. EA will not stop making games for one platform. they love ALL of the money. the only Exclusives that i saw in that entire presentation was Bungie & Forza. other than that, they kept verbally saying the word "exclusives" as if saying that word meant the same as showing what the exclusives were. im a patient gamer. so i dont care if i get DLC late.
the thing is, once that contract is up over DLC being 1st & if PS4 comes ahead in the console wars, then they will veto having Xbox get DLC 1st. its happened in the past.
the only thing that i saw in that entire presentation was TV, Skype, Voice Commands, & Sports. all things that i dont care about.
i have a roommate so voice commands is the last thing that i care about. otherwise ill have a pissed roommate getting irritated cause he can study or get good sleep.
im still lost on why Steven Spielberg was even there. all they did was show him the Xbox & ask what he thought. lol!!!
they also mentioned nothing about what they were going to do about making the Indie Market better, which was what i thought was a smart move by Sony. they cut their prices in getting Indie games on their system & showing off Indie games so they arent placed far out of reach in the bowels of the Store.
i ended up falling asleep when watching the Xbox reveal. it threw off my entire day. lots of talking & TV features, it was the last thing that i wanted to hear. i dont care about TV, i have TiVo, its called my computer. i get what i want when i want it. i dont care about using my console for that. nor do i care to watch this stuff on my big screen, if i need to, i just send it over to my console from my computer & it pulls it up, seamlessly. either way, my TV is shared in my household with my roommate, so its easier to watch everything from my computer. my monitor isnt lacking any so big screen doesnt matter to me.
id rather game on our 55" than anything else, but even then, i can plug my computer into our TV & use it as a monitor, so all of this crap that they are talking about, is boring. id rather hear about a gaming console for gaming. which was what they accomplished with the PS4 presentation.
so if they showed the power button, you would be happy.
thats ridiculous.
its a teaser, its not suppose to be shown.
they did a great job at reminding customers that they still have to reveal the system, they did this on purpose & it was well planned. it gives people something to look forward to after MS reveals their system. its a reminder.
HailHellfire's comments