im glad they are standing up against this bullshit...
these people are ignorant and dumb & feed way too much into what their local News Channels spit out, using scare tactics...
wake up people, news in America has been controlled by the government for sometime now to help press agendas...
whats scary is that this is turning into Fahrenheit 451, but with videogames...
it wasnt that long ago that the same thing happened with books that were considered to be too violent, too sexual, or aid people into becoming free/independent thinkers...
im fairly certain the name change didnt happen due to new owners...
they were just stupid & thought it would be best to change the name cause everyone pronounced it that way, so they thought it would be easier for people to recognize due to it fitting how people were saying it...
i always thought they were owned by FOX but i guess they are owned by NBC Universal...
im glad that im not the only one that felt this way...
maybe children would find the colors & look appealing but i dont see parents buying children $100 watches when they will grow out of them & would probably be more interested in adult watches when they get older...
you know, i actually feel sorry for these people with this job...
it took me 45mins to an hour to reach someone at their customer service center & when i was transferred to help my issue out, it took another 45mins to an hour to get ahold of that person...
no exaggeration, i looked at my watch when this happened...
if anything, EA needs more customer service personal, cause they dont have enough to handle the call volume that they receive...
the support people that i spoke with were quite nice & actually put EA on blast for their poor treatment of people...
its not these guys fault, they just have to sit there & take the bullshit, that EA dishes out to its customers...
one of the guys i spoke to, it was obvious he liked Steam better, i even showed him GoGs website & he was quite thrilled with my recommendation...
i have no clue why they are scaling back when EA needs waaaaaay more people answering their phones, these guys seem over worked & treated poorly due to EAs poor decision making in how they treat customers through their games...
HailHellfire's comments