ya, the kind of best friends that benches a person & then drops them after going to each of his players to see who they like best, rather than working with the guy to fix their issues with each other...
Regi has ego issues..
he doesnt like it when someone doesnt agree with him & makes it known by talking down to his players instead of working together as a team...
he stated in firing him that it is "his" personal problem with Chaox, that made him decide to fire him...
he wants to say its for business purposes...
if you know anything about a business, you give a personal a write up & explain why & reprimand them...you do this 3 times...the final time is firing someone...
in this type of setting, since it is not a normal job..
that would be benching them (which is the same in sports) & putting in a sub & then that person working to earn back their keep...
instead, he benched him, & then went to each of his players & pushed them to make a choice to get this guy kicked off of the team entirely..
that sounds like a great friend...
he also gave the guy 24hrs to pack up his bags & leave the house..i could say, that he was nice to give him a flight anywhere but he basically told the guy to **** off & get off my team without being in his face about it, after 2 years of being "friends"with him
if your a manager/owner/leader, you work it out & talk it out like an adult, you get someone else to be a mediator since he has the major issues that are super apparent since he treats his other teammates differently when they mess up...
you be a grown man, if you have a business & look at your "friend"/"employee" in the eye when you fire them..
i dont know any boss that looks down when talking to their employee about their job in a serious light...
how old are you?
im fucking grown kid...
go & crawl back up inside his ass since you guys are best mates since you seem to know all things about friendship & business...
it was almost as if he was dying to do all of it, for awhile now & enjoyed doing it...
he couldnt even look the guy in the face while telling him to get out & kicking him out was personal.
the guy is a child...
if he cant look a person in their eyes or be consistent with giving other players the same punishment as someone that he doesnt like, then he will loose respect with his entire fan base..
i loose all respect for people that cant be man enough to actually confront a person & look in their face, while firing them...
if he wants to be a professional businessman, then he needs to stop acting like a brat due to him not getting along with someone b/c they dont share the same views as him...
running a business like a dictator, just makes him look pathetic...
he had to fool Dyrus into picking which player to be on the team & told him afterwards that that was a vote...
its slimy business practice...
too much drama...
he belongs on a soapbox...
& ya, it is illegal to kick a person out that is living at a house & give them 24 hours to do so, its also mad petty...
this all seems like a personal issue for why Regi kicked him...
i think a sub would have been best for the team...
as a leader, you have to look at the entire team & whether this will affect them & whether they could end up holding grudges over you for making decisions that are surrounded around not just their issue with the performance but also personal issues..
to me, it seemed like performance issues with Chaox all centered around him trying to alienate himself from the group on purpose...when you live with someone & are around someone that you see daily & have to be around, you end up needing space from them...
usually when you work & have a boss that you dont get along with, you go home & have a place separate from work, to relax, but in this setting he doesnt have that...
Regi should have made an effort to not feel the need to fight with this guy so much & work on their issues together, while he was being subbed...
now he will have to deal with backlash from the community & might face resentment from his teammates for not making an effort on his part to work well with others...which could cause more problems due to their group not being use to the new changes of loosing a member that has been with them for a long time...
you can have performance issues, but usually there is a personal reason behind it...
they are all young, & sometimes when you reach 21, it also pushes you to find other outlets, but to me, it seems that he was distancing himself for a good reason..
if your sleeping alot, its mainly due to being unhappy...
their environment seems tense with Regi, no room for talking openly & for constructive dialog in working cohesively...
no, but they would win over making a statement out of something...
look at whats happening right now..
its all about making a statement...
none of it holds any sort of validity to anything...
its just a way to try & pass a law by creating fear, so that they can have the authority to fine a business that does not abide by this rule, (if passed), & make money off of these businesses...
this would then hurt the reputation of the business, which is what businesses thrive on & it would cost them money to go to court, if a customer was dumb enough to do so...which equals loss...
its all an easy way to stop these events from happening & to make sure that a business does not loose money...
please note, i am not some pro corporate business person, i just know the inner workings of retail, since i have supervisor knowledge from back then...
its not about it being the employees business, which i clearly stated above...
he did it, to save his ass..
it seemed to me, that he could care less about what the father was purchasing, the reply seemed like a prompt, that stores tell employees to say, so that the store is not at fault when parents come back angry...
you cant return open video games...
whether or not the parent bought it, it still happens where a parent will come back & blame an employee for them not informing them...its common place in the retail world...
all of this talk currently is about enforcing a bill that they are trying to pass...
the bill would legally enforce ESRB ratingsUp to $5,000 in fines for selling M-rated games to anyone under 17
it was actually smart that the employee did it....
he wasnt doing it for the fact of telling him how to do parenting...
it was to save his ass...
employees in the retail business are usually treated like crap, & are threatened with losing their jobs if they do not make a point of it, or are blamed if a parent comes back to the store angry...
cause a Parent can easily come back & bitch about an employee not telling them or warning them about it...
ive seen it happen one too many times when i use to work at Tower Records back in the day...
i actually just saw a Dad buy a boy a M-Rated game, today....
the boy was at least 10-12years old...
the Target employee, said formally to the father, "this is a Rated Mature game, are you still interested in purchasing it even though your son is not of age?" the Father of course was fine with it...
it made me chuckle, especially with everything that is going on lately with games in the media...
HailHellfire's comments