Shaun & Erick are really painful to watch playing this game. the game isnt amazing but they sure love to over talk while playing, & its all terrible jokes. Shaun is best when he doesnt do game play videos. i aint trying to hate on him cause i do enjoy other things that he does for Gamespot. i just know that he enjoys making fun of things constantly & when your trying to get a perspective on a new game or a game in general, its really hard to block out all of the tons of talking, jokes, & his need to grief in a game.
15 exclusives in 1 year that has yet to be seen. its all talk. but there is more negative with their talk then there is positive. if you have the money then kudos for you. your pocket book will be well known at MS.
why not watch the updates. im watching the updates on the PS4 as well. lol! its a fascinating time in gaming history to watch the new consoles being unveiled & find out info about them.whether its bad or good. i dont watch TV, i game. if i want to watch TV i do it on my computer, & it does it like TiVo, without paying for it. like i said in my post, if you watch TV & pay for cable, then kudos, this will fit nicely for "those people," which from your comment, is you. i dont know what "cool" controller means? it looks exactly the same as their other controller, we have yet to hear what it does exactly or if there are any new features.
i prefer Playstations controller, it fits my hands better, i dont have huge hands. it depends on the person & their opinion. but to me, there isnt much difference to both Xbox & PS3s controller, except one is heavier than the other. you can browse on PS4 & a PC, PCs have internet you know, so that argument is pointless. & Skype, ive never used Skype in my life. if i need to, i use my phone, & i only do that with my family in another state. its a useless feature, which you can also use on your PC. like i said, it will work for some but it wont work for me. id rather save money b/c the PC does exactly what the Xbox does now, except with better graphics, removal parts that you can update, & lack of Fantasy Football. lol!
im only pointing out that its pointless to buy it if you have a PC or want to save money & buy a PC, cause in the long run you will save money. since the one thing that consoles did that PC didnt was share games. otherwise the thing is a cash cow. fat & hungry for your money. lots of gimmicks with little return for the gamers. i dont need a device that tells me i need to log in every 24 hours. i do alot of outdoors stuff outside of gaming during the summers. i dont need an electronic pet to take care of to keep it alive & well. its not my cup of tea
they already answered all of my questions & showed us all much they are greedy assholes looking to grab a quick buck from gamers.
theres no reason to get an Xbox now, unless you are a Kinect fan, a sports fan, or a TV fan.
now that you cannot play used games & have to pay a fee to play them, you might as well own a PC, cause it does the same with better graphics & you will save tons more money on games. it might cost you a little bit more to pay for the PC but you will have instant savings on games & the cost for the games & not having to pay for internet, far outways the cost of buying an Xbox. plus PC online interface far outweighs Xbox. hands down, if your worried about controllers, all of your FPS games, play with controller.
if you want a cheaper console than PS4 is the way to go.
Xbox has never had dirt cheap game prices for their subscriptions. not the way Sony gives away several free games every week & if you count dirt cheap PC prices, its the most expensive.
you can get bundles of games for the PC for $1-$5 about 5 to 7 games, some are excellent games for what you get, Xbox cant beat these prices, some might be DRM but if Xbox wants to be DRM, then you might as well go PC & get instant savings & there are loads of free games for PC available that are good. look at Amazons Mayhem sale, that happens usually 5-6 times a year & Steams Summer, Winter & other sales followed by other sales through GoG, Green Man Gaming, GamersGate, & many others, not counting the Bundle charities, its pointless to even consider an Xbox.
i aint saying this to sway anyone, ive owned every Xbox product from when they first came out. its my disappointment that i have to part ways with Xbox cause i was looking forward to buying another one. i dont like to settle for one gaming system. just like ive owned everyone Playstation System that they came out with, have a PC, & own a Wii, & a Nintendo. the most out of all of the systems that i own are 3 original Xboxs. but they proved to me, that they could care less about their customers & partnered up with EA for a good reason. they share the same outlook for how they want to break a consumers bank & how they handle business & treat their consumers. to me it shows that these two corporations have the same business model which doesnt interest me. i dont cater to Origin
so what happens with the console if you dont log in continuously when it needs it? it sounds very co-dependent, which is silly.
what if you do go on vacation & you dont want to bring your xbox with you?
you shouldnt have to be forced to bring it everywhere just to keep it alive, that is crazy. i own multiple gaming devices, old & new. i sometimes dont play others as much cause i go through periods of time where im enjoying a game or the device im on more than another, i shouldnt have to be forced to get on a device to keep it alive & well by feeding it daily. thats ridiculous. i dont want a machine for a pet or a plant. that is lame.
you guys do realize that Playstation One was never originally called Playstation One.
it was called Playstation just like the first Xbox was called Xbox.
the One only came after the new consoles came into existence, people needed a way to further explain which console they were talking about.
dont get me wrong, i own both systems & have owned every Sony console that came out back in the day as well as Xbox. but i do prefer Sonys consoles over Xbox, always have.
although i did thoroughly enjoy the original Xbox alot & still have it & play it
i dont know why Gamespot enjoys him so much. i could care less about him
Nate401 seems to know whats up.
his list is excellent
i did love Syphon Filter but i also loved Parasite Eve, Clock Tower, Xenosaga, Shadow Hearts, Okage, Dark Cloud, Dark Alliance, Rogue Galaxy, Eternal Poison, Xenogear, Chrono Cross Odin Sphere, Shadow Of Destiny, Onimusha, Legend Of Mana, Suikoden, Legend Of Dragoon, Breath Of Fire, Vagrant Story, Grandia, Soul Reaver, Champions of Norrath
there were soooooooo many excellent exclusives on the PS1 & 2 id love to see any of these come back to life
HailHellfire's comments