@wildamnesia agreed, he never mentioned any negative points to the game other than the 4 gb but that didnt seem like a negative highlight in his review. just a mere issue for players who dont have alot of hard drive space
@valdarez ya, that is a weird reasoning for this game to be bad...i thought the models looked good...i have no clue what she means by thatthe only model that i thought was terrible, was the bird that you get for your apartment...the detail on it was lacking but, that is only if i was super knit picking on something small
@NickPunt636 @IpreferQuality agreed, i wasnt sure if it was just me that felt this way...glad to know that their are others...GTA has become a bit of a bore to me...but this game & its environment, has me invested in it
@Printul_Noptii you didnt like Dead Island?Painkiller is a pretty awesome game...you should at least try out the demo, if they end up having one
wow!why do they need all of those branches???no offense but they havent put out that many games & their games are quite small compared to bigger $59 games
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