i will probably crack open my copy & start playing now....love anything halloween themedive been kind of holding out on playing the game
they can take down all of those apps, as far as im concerned...i only use my console for gamesid be way more excited if they had a button or a setting to block all of that crap...then it was just bone dry, games, & game market place
please help these guys get funded...Gamespot seems to not be too interested in providing an article on these industry veterans...it will be an old school rpg..2 in fact... one sci-fi the other fantasy...http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/lootdrop/an-old-school-rpg-by-brenda-brathwaite-and-tom-hal?ref=live
@TrueGB agreed, i hope Shaker makes it since Project Eternity has already been funded...id be interested in seeing their game/s get funded
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