you know. i am actually happy to hear that there are more women gaming then i thought there were.
i honestly dont care what type of game they are playing, just as long as they are playing.
there are all kinds of gamers but not every gamer is going to like the same thing that everyone else likes. why not just be welcoming of those gamers than bashing them for not gaming the same way as you? the same could be said of music & its so many different genres. at least a person is listening to music rather than not having music in their life at all.
yes, i did like the cross media bar alot. ill admit, i do like adjusting wallpapers. i just hope that you are still able to see the wallpaper clearly. with 360 it was very covered up & almost pointless to even have one. too much stuff all cluttered on your screen, covering it up.
i was really looking forward to it being released. he was very smart about how he set up the rights to the game & took time in getting a publisher to agree with his needs rather than letting them twist his arm in letting them own the rights. So he didnt have go through what Matt & Trey did with South Park when THQ got sold. i just hope hes able to still put that vision of his into the publics hands b/c how he explained the game sounded very intriguing & has never been done before with a horror game.
he plays alot of his games with his children. i remember him talking about how his wife would get pissed at him for letting his younger girls play Left For Dead with him, so he had a live group to work together, rather than working with NPC.
man, they sure do have a great team who care about their Xbox gamers
its a tool factory over there.
from Adam Orth- Deal With It
to Mattrick basically stating the same thing but for people to buy their previous gen system instead, if they dont like it.
i really love the analogy that he made about the Sub. it really goes to show what they all think about people that serve their countries & how they could care less.
such an elitist passive aggressive attitude with how he talks about gamers & their opinions & how they could give a crap about what they want.
i guess, this system was only made for a very specific gamer in mind.
ya, & they wont be selling the console till the holiday season. yet they still havent set a date yet. on Amazon it states a release date of December 31st.
so i dont see 1 day not having cloud. hurting anyone.
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