@chikahiro94 The moment i saw the Grim Fandango poster behind that initial video, i knew Double Fine's game was gonna be great !
In fact i think i misunderstood how this thing works. Double Fine's game is actually supported on Steam so Valve too supports some of the games that are funded by crowd. I was thinking that a company like Valve would pay a certain amount of money to help finish the project and when the game sells out, they would get a cut
You are right, who knows how many of these games cannot be funded enough to start the project... Being a game developer is a difficult job. One can only hope that, with the help of greater companies, these little creative ideas can turn into something bigger, making great products and profit.
Ohh, EA is actually doing something to gain some publicity. I'm suprised ! This shouldn't just go with Inxile though, there are great Kickstarter Projects that they should pay attention to. They should also be researched and supported.
As hateful as i am for turning Bioware into EAware, this might turn out to be a better.
Or EA might just drown Inxile with stupid deadlines and conditions, turning Inxile into EAxile. This could be their first move to devour a small great gaming company that sparkles with hope! It could be that EA wants to ruin the dreams of talented developers and great games we are getting like Wasteland 2...
Note: If Origin would go for Inxile and if i read an article saying that Steam supports Kickstarter Projects, my opinion of EA (Origin) and Valve(Steam) would be complete.
Actually, i know its only the beginning but Diablo 3 currently has the lowest user grade in the history of Blizzard games. Considering they removed many of the reviews, ouch!
Hakkology's comments