These subscription numbers are after SWTOR expanded into Middle East and Asia.
I still don't get this, people who actually wanted to play got the game at start from retail sites anyway and noone would want to be in an uncrowded server.
Yea it was launched perfectly *sarcasm* by making people wait for it for like 4 days and with the server queues. How is it a succesful launch when you launch the game for other zones 4 months after the game is released ? You do a launch, you consider everyone an equal and launch it globally.
Not to mention i remember some "important" guy from Bioware saying that there are no sub losses for the game, only loss of players.
With SWTOR, they made too many wrong choices i can not write them all here. How awesome it was when they showed it at E3 :( .
@GamespotAudio Well bro, you have a point with what you say but there is a cracked version of SC2 that allows skirmishing, even LAN play. Its not much of a match for the original, but there is.
About Medal of Honor, I don't care about how many copies shipped Gamespot, give me the number, how many people BOUGHT the game ? Guys as a curious fellow gamer, is it possible to obtain such numbers from a site or anything ? Grew really tired of imaginary numbers.
@genjuroT I believe that only occurs if you place your item over paypal. You have to pay a 15% fee. However if you choose to use the game currency which is your battlenet balance, you do not have to pay it. The downside is you can't get that money back so you have to use it to purchase other stuff from Blizzard. Quite ingenius businesswise , really but not so sure about this.
Guys i don't get something, how do these guys take cuts from stuff and items which they control in the first place ? I mean they can change the drop rates of an item if they want. Isn't this illegal or something?
Hakkology's comments