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HellOnEarth101 Blog

Hey. I'm Poot and this is my hetero-life mate Frank.

"Hey. I'm Poot and this is my hetero-life mate Frank." - Poot, Stick It.

Cookie to ELin for accomplishing previous blog title.
Cookie to everyone else who commented.
And cookie for Joelle for the bestest answer of all..

Cause she has big boobs and she needs to feed them with a burger everytime she... empty herself at the bathroom Gosh I am so SMART!! I'm the only one deserving the COOKIE here!! Beside I was COOL enough to find my way to your blog... I know something like 9 hours later... Meh... I still got her red_flava87

Weeeeell my laptop has finally arrived!!!!!!
Today when we went shopping,
I found the cutest little mouse for only like $11AUD.
$9 USD
$6 Euros
$4 pounds
etc. etc.

Things to do now.
1. Buy an anti-virus protection system.
2. Try to figure out how to connect the wireless network card thingy.
3. (the bestest of all) Name it!
Right now I'm goin' on Squishy
aka Dory's pet jellyfish for all of 3 seconds in Finding Nemo
aka the first hlf of Hippo's name.
All suggestions welcome!

TV Shows I'm watching at the moment
Desperate Housewives
Rove Live
Big Brother sorta :oops:

Shows I'm watching on DVD
Will & Grace
Six Feet Under
Firefly (Found it in the store!!!)

Charmed is beig rewatched, while all the other shows on DVD are for the first time.

Well I have to finish my speech for the debate tomorrow, which I just started.
Wish me luck!

Loff Kweenie xoxo

Who the hell goes to pee and ends up eating a burger?

Who the hell goes to pee and ends up eating a burger?

I'll give ya some clues.

Her real name = x amount of letters.

her username starts with b and ends with obfisk.

that's all i'm tellin ya!

First to guess correctly wins a cookie.

Although this won't be easy to solve!


Loff Kweenie xoxo

Replies to yesterday's comments coming tomorrow...
well technically today seeing as it's exactly 1 am on Monday morning.
Staying awake for 40 hours from Friday am to Sunday am f-cked me up.

Me laptop has arrived.
Just need my godsis' boyf to get it from the post office, and get it to me!
More details tomorrow...
Well technically today, seeing as it's 1.01 am on Monday morning.

7Teens. 6Movies. 5Cheeseburgers. 4FrozenCokes.3DoorCar. 2LargeQuarterPoundrMeals


First of all.
As some of you may have noticed.
I have an INSANE amount of comments on my last blog.
LOVE you guys who contributed to that.
Seriously, I logged on, and thought tvDOTcom was having a bug glitch thing again,
'cos there's no way I could've attracted 154 legit comments in 12 hours.
And I was right.
I didn't attract 154 legit comments in 12 hours.
THANK YOU to the girls/guys who posted on here insanely.
Jess (44), Joelle (32), Ramona (29), BB (12), Army (11) just to name a few.
Emily, Greta, Emerald, Anna, Jo; all of you who had even just one comment.
Must beat 190 comments next time.

Yesterday night/This morning was so much fun.

1 am
My sister and her buddies get home from the Year 12 ball.
Everyone just spends like an hour relaxing and whatnot.

2 am
We decide to go to McDonalds.
see the problem was, the car was tiny, the one we were going in, so imagine 7 teenagers squished into a 3 door car.
So freakin' hilarious.
Me being the smallest from the 17-year olds, I sat on someone's lap.

When we got there, because they were still renovating to make a McCafe,
there was only drive-thru.

So we were considering some of us get out,

and then we grab a shopping trolley,
and just go through the drive-thru in that, instead of being squished in the car.
but yeah we couldn't find a trolley.


Anyhoo, at McDonalds, no-one knew what they wanted.
So you just say what you want one at a time.

And my sister Linda was like, can I have a cheeseburger.
And the lady went Ok, one cheesburger.

Then Tony said I want a cheeseburger too!
Then the lady said another one?

Then I went I want a cheeseburger too!
Then the lady was like another one?!?!?!

We literally did this twice more,
'Cos everyone just wanted to SAY that they wanted a cheeseburger.
And we ended up with 5 cheeseburgers.

We spent $40 at Maccas, which is like...a lot for Maccas.

2.45 am
Get home.
We ended up eating 3 of the cheeseburgers.

3 am
Everyone is ready to watch movies.
We all troop out to the cinema room.
Then the boys can't make up their mind on what they want to watch.
So we end up watching the beginning of Mean Girls...
Then the first song of High School Musical...
Then a bit of Legally Blonde...
Then a bit of Ice Age...
Then like 2/3's of the Covenant.

5 am
We all start organizing where we're gonna sleep,
between the 2 rooms, the couch and the cinema room.
Then for some reason, Dianne and I feel hungry so we go eat some more Maccas in the kitchen.
So then only Linda, Steven and Tony end up going to bed properly.
Dianne was like drifting in and out on the couch.
While the 2 other guys, Daneel and Tin, and I go back to the cinema room and watch Sky High.

5.30 am
The three of us go back to the living room, and turn on the TV at 5.30 am in the morning.
We watch the American Today show with Dianne.
I perfectly imitate their accents all the way through.

7 am
The four of us watch normal TV
eg. cartoons, Video Hits.

9 am
My parents come down and Linda, Steven and Tony wake up.
Linda has to make breakfast.

11 am
We start cleaning up all the clothes and whatnot in Linda's room.
I spend half an hour trying to figure out how to do a tie, after no-one will help me.
We play a very warped version of Pick Up Sticks.

12 pm
We watch Mulan.

1 pm
Dianne goes home.
We play Uno which is hilarious, because my sister manages to suck at Uno.

2 pm
My sister has tutoring, so half the boys go to Tennis.
Just me, the bebe, and my sis' friend/ball date Daneel.

3 pm
After 1 hour of reading, we play some more Uno.

4 pm
My godsister comes to pick up my sis for work and to drop Daneel off at the train station.
Me left all alone at home with the bebe and little brother.

4.05 pm
Come on tvDOTcom and notice how many comments I have

3 and a halfHours later...

7.33 pm
Have finished replying too ALLLLLLLLL of the 160 comments.
You must look at them.
I went through and numbered them properly and everything.
Every single one of them.

7.35 pm
Rounds up blog.

Please comment peeps.
And I promise to reply to every single one of them.

Laptop still isn't here.

Looks like I won't be at the drinking game tomorrow.
Sorry JD.

Loff Kweenie xoxo

Ever been in the same room as a 1200 degree celcius object? 2192 fahrenheit EDIT

EDIT: I'd like everyone to give a moment's silence to those on the Smallville forum who have been banned/suspended for posting.

Luan, Emily, Saz, NYC, and so on.

Oh and Greta who was TOS'd.

I guess.


Life is up and down at the moment.
I've cried myself to sleep the past few days.
Both my parents have told me I'm getting fat.
My brother is a rude little d!ckhead who keeps takin my lollies.
My sister frankly couldn't care less.
and my little sister will not stop crying.

But I guess I'm alright right now.
Friday night, another day of work done.
Whole weekend ahead of me.
Hopefully laptop arrives tomorrow.

And my sister, who is at her Year 12 ball right now,
should be home within the next half hour or so, as the ball ended like half an hour ago, at midnight.
So then some of her buddies will stay over and we watch movies and such.

The excursion the other day.
Planetarium - Was pretty cool.
I made a whole bunch of random noises and comments throughout the thing.
so my friend Caity was crackin up.
Then Aron.
yes the same aron from my last blog.
turned around and said shut up like 50 times,
then he was like.
if you had balls, i'd punch em!

The Perth mint, we watched a gold bar being melted down which was freakin' awesome.
the thing was like 1200 degrees celcius.
which is like 2192 degrees fahrenheit.
and when the guy put his gloved hand on it, his hand briefly caught on fire.
so awesome.
and then when he poured it in the mould,
because the lights were off,
you could see the liquid gold, and it was like white-hot.
as was the crucible that held it in the 1200 degree furnace.

I did bring my video camera but i couldn't get any footage of either place because of
a) security in the Perth mint.
b) too dark in the Planetarium.
but i did get some footage of my buddies, on the bus, at school, and walking in the city, terrorising the people of Perth's Central Business District.
When my camera decides to connect to the comp properly, i'll make a proper video.

One of my assignments right now.
Write about a world leader.
Now I was gonna do Marie Antoinette or Anastasia, but they didn't really lead the world.
Or a country as such.
So I am askin' for a li'l help here.
Helpme think of a GOOD, interesting world leader.
Can't be Hitler 'cos we're already doin' something on him, so yah.

It also seems that I am less and less liked everyday.

I remember the time I came on and had 54 comments after one night on a new blog.

Now I'm lucky to get 10 or 20.


Loff Kweenie xoxo

Stop coughing, you're so faking it!

"Stop coughing, you're so faking it!" - Helen Le, 2007.

Me and my li'l 9-year old bro don't get along much.
Here's an example.
Fraser: *coughs feebly*
Me: Stop coughing, you're so faking it!
Fraser: I am NOT!
Me: Are so.
Fraser: Nuh uh! This is a fake cough *coughs even*
and this is a real one. *fake coughs to show me how he coughs for real...:roll:*
Me: stop coughing, you COUGH-FAKER!
Fraser: I AM NOT!
Me: Prove it!
Fraser: Well O...*pauses* SHUT UP.

The Sudoku I posted on me last blog?
I beat everyone's McFreakin' scores.
Level: Hard.
Time: 7.14

While talkin' to Tee before on MSN.
I learnt she couldn't receive handwritten messages.
So instead of drawing a map of Australia to show the distance between Perth and Tasmania.
And instead of finding on Google.
I drew one using the keyboard characters.

Today at school, for some reason,
my c-l-a-s-smates decided it was Truth or Dare day.
More like Dare or Dare day.

So there were things goin' on like, guys askin' guys for dates on Saturday nights.
One guy Aron having to slap Matt on the butt.
(and Matt is probably the least-liked person in our c-l-a-s-s no offence, so we all just cracked up at his face.)
Aron also apparently, had to ask me out on a date.
Wanna know how he did it?

Me: *sitting there innocently*
Aron: *hands me a piece of paper, giggling-y and runs off*
Me: *reads note*
Note: Wana go out on a date?
from Aron.
ps. this is a dare.
Me: :roll: real nice aron. ya really know how to get to a girl's heart.

Tomorrow is an excursion.
We are going to the Planetarium in Scitech .
And then going to the Perth Mint to see gold.
Can you say whole day off?

Oh and stop by Tee's blog .
Kerazy dane wants more blog comments.
And me being so benevolent, and well, awesome,
I pimper-ded her bloggie for her.

Loff Kweenie xoxo

I still sleep with a teddy...

...Do you?

Anyhoo, had a relatively-net free weekend,
due to my dad PMS-ing
and taking out the wire from the modem,
and then hiding it!
The horror, I know.

Anyhoo, that's why I wasn't on this morning for the whole MSN tvDOTcom peopel reunion JD was having.
Sorry dear.

Anyhoo, watch this .
My friend sent me the link, and it is so adorable.
and sad.

Oh, and try to beat my score on this .
Level: Hard.
Time: 14:11

This was a crappy time though, 'cos the baby interrupted me quite RUDELY several times.
Yes, I am a Sudoku freak.

EDIT: I should be receiving my laptop sometime this week, hopefully, if the Brisbane-to-Perth aka East to Western Aus. post is quick! 

Blast From The Past

Sailor Moon.
The other day on the Smallville forum,
Joelle and I somehow got to posting about Sailor Moon.
Which is weird, since we never get off-topic in there.

My favouritest cartoon as a kid.
Besides the Teletubbies of course.

Loff Kweenie xoxo

This apricot pie tastes like apricot... *puzzled look*

'This apricot pie tastes like apricot :?...' - Linda Le, my sister, whilst eating an apricot pie, 2007.

anyhoo, today during computer c-l-a-s-s, I managed to get all my work done in an hour
so I got to tvDOtcom/Facebook/Youtube for like, an hour.

In Science, my nose started bleeding and I sneezed blood on my page.

We also hid my friend Suwen's science book from her, and then they were like, how should we give it back to her discreetly?
So me, being the clever person I am


I took the book, walked past her chair, as if to go get a tissue,

and as I was on my way back, I out my book under her chair.

Then some of us girls were like giggling, and I got a brain blast.

So instead of going, Suwen, look under your chair,

I went, OMG Spider on the flooooooor!
and half of the girls either shrieked or laughed.
Freakin' hilarious.

Lemme tell you, I got a lot of hi5's.


Must sort out the noms for the people's Choice Awards,
as well as answer to the 32 unanswered blog comments from last time.

Here are some Azuzephre pics.
which I decided to Google, after seeing so many of them on Sassy's blog.

I love you...lalala

Loff Kweenie xoxo

Physics isn't science! EDIT: Stargate: Atlantis?

Physics isn't science!" - Caity, my buddy of 7 years, one English lesson, 2007.

EDIT: Should I start watching Stargate: Atlantis?

'Cos I was looking at a TV gudie, and apparently it's on Thursday nights.

I LOVED Stargate: SG1, which I am watching Season 7 of now, because that's the only season they had at the video store.


So just wondering if SGA was worth it.


Guess what?

I am a rebel times TWO now.
That's right.
I was TOS'd again.
For Disruptive posting/off-topic posting.

And I'm pretty sure I know who reported me.
Because it said for the Smallville forum.
And I've been having some troubles with this user lately, as have some other people.
Won't mention their username, in fear of being reported again.
Starts with Do though.

EDIT: Also, this person called me a D O O S H.

Couldn't even spell douche right.


I read about 100 pages of Pride & Predjudice (the long wordy Reader's Digest version)
And it seems alright.
Although I have realised you can't speed read Jane Austen.

No school tomorrow morning.
Maybe the whole day.
Because I have a doctor's appointment.

A bunch of random pictures I found on Photobucket to finish off.

Well I gotta go do my piano, eat dinner and finish the Society and Environment/Social Studies thing I've been putting off all afternoon.

Loff Kweenie xoxo

Kudos to Angel for uploading my userpic.

Does the new way I write annoy anyone now?
Please tell me, 'cos someone said it to me today.

What month is it in the US??????

"What month is it in the US?" - My next door neighbour, 2006.

She is an idiot, as you may have gathered from the quote.


Friday was alright.

We finally got our new car, which we had to get, because of the baby arriving.
so we went from a 5 seater red Honda CRV
which kinda looks like this.

except red.

to a bluey-black 7 seater Honda Odyssey.
which looks ike this.

except bluey-black.

Now instead of just my dad and I in the car for two 45 minute trips,
my sister was also there.
soooo I had someone to annoy...

5 minutes into the trip...
Linda: *takes out iPod earphones* WHAT?!?!?!
Me: Let's sing car songs!
*cue my rendition of Kumbaya My lord!*
Linda: *puts earphones back in*

25 minutes into the trip...
Linda: *sleeping*
Linda: *wakes up* WHAT?!?!?!?!?!??!
Me: I'm bored.
Let's sing car songs!
*cue my rendition of The Lion Sleeps Tonight*
Linda: :evil:
*goes back to sleep*

At work.
Not much happened.
Except one guy came in...
who looked exactly like Peter Petrelli aka Milo Ventimiglia!!!!

oh, and uh, I found this while Google Image-ing him and couldn't resist putting it in.


[spoiler] [/spoiler]

although after I told a certain Hippo, she asked me if I asked for his number.
Which is like...
Because obviously, if he looked EXACTLY like Milo,
he would look around 20 something right.
The guy being 20 something.
And me being 13...
well for one thing,

To which she replied:
you could have said it was for your hippo-friend :)
:) if he comes back take a photo :P


Weeeell been another boring/STUPID Saturday, where I had to look after my baby sister.
She could bloody yell for the bloody Milky Way galaxy.

She screams until her face is red,
and then if you get her annoyed enough,
when you pick her up, she still cries...
and cries...

I wanted to shoot myself.

On the plus-side.
I finished my SFU disc 2,
as well as made myself a new icon!
moving = fancy!

do you like?

as well as making a very simple blog heading at the top.

"Probably the only 13 year old in the world who likes both the Disney Channel and Six Feet Under...


Yeah being a nerd, I like to do nerdy thingy.
Like make puzzles.
this one is FUNNNNN.
for when you're bored.

Oh and here's the picture if you need it.

Loff Kweenie xoxo

We're all lesbians deep inside, my friend...

"We're all lesbians deep inside, my friend" - Elin Boqvist, 2007.

Wise quote from a euhm...interesting chickadeeee.
Didn't have a very long school day today.

8.30 - Got to school.

8.40 - Homeroom started.

8.50 - Went off to Graphix with my buddy Michelle.

8.55 - 9.25
- Because we were having an Anzac assembly,
Graphix teacher didn't bother giving us anything to do for 30 minutes.
so I went on tvDOTcom and SV-forumed for a bit.

9.25 - 10.30 - Anzac assembly.
Alright, except for the fact I was stuck in the sun with 2000 other kids, listening to ex-soldiers and the principal giving these long speeches about the same thing!
Don't get me wrong.
i'm proud of the Anzacs (Australian and New Zealand Army Corps) that fought and whatever.
But every single year,
we have to listen to these speeches,
listen to the band play our national anthem, Advance Australia Fair, really really really badly (no offence Suwen/Rachael/Wynn, you play your clarinet/trumpet just fine)
*btw for those of you who aren't in my c.l.a.s.s you can ignore the part bolded just then :P:P*
we have to listen to a guy play the last Post reeeeeally badly,
and restrain from laughing when he gets to a particular part of the tune,
which just so happens to remind me of a tune I heard while watching a guy do the Boogie.

10.30 - 10.50
- Still had Graphix, but because there was only 20 minutes, once again I spent it on tvDOTcom.

10.50 - 11.15 - Recess.

11.15 - 12.15 - Probably THE best science lesson yet.
We lit peanuts and chips with matches and then measured the energy in them by measuring how much the temperature rose.
it was awesome.
especially when the whole chip went on fire.
Clinton and Michelle, my science buddies were like BLOW IT OUT! BLOW IT OUT!
'Cos it was growing into a huge fire!
So I blew it out!
And they went.
What'd you blow it out for?!?!?

We got our peanut test tube water to go up to 101 degrees celcius.
Which is 214 degrees fahrenheit.

Imagine holding a peanut that HOT on a stick in your hand.
Imagine it on FIRE!!!!!!!!!
Awesome, eh?

26th of April, 2007, marks the day Helen Le became a pyromaniac.

12.15 - 1.15 - Listened to a man who had wrongfully been committed of the manslaughter/murder of his girlfriend when he was 19, back in the 19-freakin'-60's.
Quite interesting story.
When it came to question time,
Some idiot asked, when you were in jail,
did you ever drop a bar of soap in the shower?
Immature idiots I go to school with, honestly.

1.15 - Got to go home 1 hour and 40 minutes early,
'cos I had to go get bloodtest,
and my sister gets off school at this time.

1.45 - 3 - Finished watching taped premiere of Big Brother Australia 2007.

And from then on, just computer/shower/dinner/piano practice.
And here I am finishing this blog at 12.18 am.

Weeeeell tomorrow it will be straight from school to WORK again.
At least this time, my 17 year old sis is coming.
So I'll have someone to annoy...
see you all in approximately 24 hours, after sleep, school, work, shower, and VERONICA MARS!!! (11.20pm, Channel 10, Australia)

Loff Kweenie xoxo