I really don't like how the US health care system works.
There should be free, universal health care for everybody... it works in the majority of other first world industrialised countries.raynimrod
I agree with you, but many Americans are ardently against helping others, be it through healthcare reform or being witness to a crime and doing nothing. They believe in 'individualism,' which is the belief that self-interest is a virtue. Considering the fact that humans are social animals, and research into the human brain done by prominent psychologists, it has been concluded that individualism is unnatural, unhealthy, and most of all, unnerving. The Libertarians/Republicans who are against all forms of supporting their societies, and therefore their countries, are stuck in the past, and unfortunately contradict themselves to a disturbing degree. They call themselves 'individualists,' but then go online and engage in groupthink on their conservative discussion forums - supporting each others lopsided, deluded thinking. That's collectivism, the opposite of individualism. Conservatives/Libertarians just won't face the facts, and it saddening to see such a large gap between the rich and poor as a result. I just don't want the United States, which had such promise, to turn into a third world country, where the poor live in slums with no government benefit programs to help them through their daily struggle, as the fat cats on Wall Street continue to rake in the cash. :?
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