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I hope they can add this soon. I know that this site is pretty new but it would be nice to have as one of the priorities. I've gotten used to it at GS.

My History On GameSpot: Year One

My Beginning, June 2004

I can't believe it's actually been a whole year since I first created my account on GS. When I first began, It was only to get info on the latest games coming out. I don't even remember how I even heard about it. But I think I must have been searching for information on a specific game It might have been Ninja Gaiden since that was a pretty tough game to beat. I didn't even post in the forums when I first began. It didn't really seem that important at the time. As I started to login more and more though I quickly discovered certain things like adding to my collection and keeping track of specific games that I was interested in. Then I decided to visit the forums. That was the only place on GS that I hadn't been to.

My first post

To tell you the truth I'd never actually been to the forums until the first time I posted. Which was in December of 2004. My first post was in the Xbox Forums. Someone had a question about being new to Xbox live. and I knew the answer so I posted. On a funny side note, since that time I've seen that particular topic more times than I care to count. This posting wasn't new to me at all though. Before I was posting on GS, I used to post on the forums at xbox.com so I knew how to handle flames. At xbox.com there are actually more people flaming than on GS, if you can believe that. After my first post at GS it seemed fun so I continued to post on a regular basis. I'd heard that at the time, in order to use html in your sig you had to have 250 posts and at least 2000 minutes online. So that was my goal originally. It took me a while but I'd managed to do it thanks to the help of a couple friends.

My friends on GS: Part 1

Wow there is so much to say about the people that I've met on GS, I've met a lot of cool people. I guess I'll start at the beginning. As we all know GS isn't all fun and games when you are at level 2 with 20 posts. It's not that friendly. But as a former Xbox.com poster I know how to deal with such things. The first thing I did was post and try to answer questions when I could. One of the earlier mistakes I made was putting in my sig the phrase "send me a friend request and I will accept" but hey, live and learn right. Suffice to say I got a lot of friend requests most of them were form people that were new to GS forums like myself. The thing is though I didn't really know these people and I'm sure most of them were after the friends emblems that GS used to have. My first real friend on GS knows who they are. Jess, was it by chance that we met? maybe. But I'm glad it happened. If it weren't for you I don't even know if I would still be here today writing this entry. We've been through a lot, from profile problems to joining our first UCB. We've seen it all and I wouldn't trade any of that for anything in the world.

My friends on GS: Part 2

Joining my first UCB was an interesting experience for me. The Misfit Contingent was a friendly place where a lot of new, real friendships were made. You guys know who you are and we've also been through a lot together. From all our random conversations to many auto-locked threads. This is an important event in the time I've spent on here. There's not many places on GS where you can truly get to know people as well as we did in the Contingent. Here are a few honorable mentions of good friends I've made on GS in no particular order: sandlot76, angel1212, Yankeebabyfan32, mrsxbox, matcoke, MangaJen, smasterwoo, Elektrakosh, cecx, cameralens, Soulreavercross, Twizm221, Devil_Huntress, TransparentFire, hikingviking, grambyte, SuperDefekt, skitzo56, Liz86, rocklegacy2, and I'm sure others as well.

My progress since then.

See for yourself:

Unions, Boards, UCBs, Oh my.

It seems that things got a lot busier around GS when the Unions were first created. I myself have received a ton of invites, some random and some not. Though I haven't really joined too many. I'm happy with the few I have joined though. As well as several UCBs including my own. I may not have time to post in them all everyday but I'm still glad to be a part of them. :)

Now that I've sufficiently bored you

I would like to celebrate another year at GS. I would like to raise my glass, (normally it would be filled with Coke, but for those who know me I assure you it's only water :P) and say here's to another year at GS. May it continue be as memorable as it has been. If anything I think this is reason to celebrate, not just for me but for all of you, for being here for all the good times. (thankfully there hasn't really been any bad times) Oh and you're all invited to the party :D

Created a banner

I just made a new banner to make this place look a little better. It looked a little plain before but now I like the new look. :)

Just joined

Just logged in here and it's cool so far. Though I don't know why it says I've been a member since Nov. 1999 weird :? I am liking this so far. It looks like another thing I'm going to have to go to now :P

Brand New Sig

I just finished my newest sig. This took a while to do but in the end I think it was worth it. If it were possible, I would have made more links to other places, but I simply ran out of space. Apparently the character limit for sigs is 1024. I'm pretty close to that but I managed to fit it in there somehow.

Here it is

For the actual sig with all the links and stuff see my profile.

Whoo Hooo Level 20!! and Star Wars Ep. III

Haha I finally got here :D I've never done a level entry before but 20 definitely sounds important. I may as well though, if I made an entry about any new level I'm sure this one could be considered and achievement of sorts. I didn't think I would be at this level for at least a couple more days though, since just yesterday I was at 70% of level 19. Not that I'm complaining or anything :P

Just to let everyone know, I have seen Star Wars: Episode III. I don't want to ruin it for anyone that hasn't seen it yet though. I have to say that I thought it was better than the first two movies, there were things about the movie that seemed forced (no pun intended :P) but overall I like the way everything came together in the end.

Random thoughts, cleaned my friends list, and My UCB news

I haven't submitted a Journal entry in a while so here it is, three journal entries in one. I like to be efficient. :P

Star Wars Episode III is coming out this Thursday :D, I don't think I'm going to see it on the day it comes out though. Most likely it will be really crowded, and people talking a lot during the movie ruins it for me at times. Perhaps on the weekend or something. As far as I know this supposed to be the last Star Wars movie ever, so I'm anxious to see it.

I recently cut my friends list down a little bit, not much though. I just got rid of some people that haven't been on GS for months. To my suprise a couple of them have even been banned from GS. All of the people that were removed were some of the earlier random requests that I got, and haven't been around for a while.

With that said I just wanted to thank those who are a part of my UCB "The Storm Front" without you it wouldn't be as successful as it has been. :) I wanted to post some updates here for those who aren't aware. First, The official banner for "The Storm Front" is being constructed at this time. My goal is to have all the members of the board included on the banner. I don't know if it's ever been done before but that is my goal. If you havent already chosen a character you can post who you want to be here.

The second update that I wanted to bring to attention is the Mod decisions. There will be a funny story contest to determine the two new mods for the board. Once all the Mod candidates have accepted their entry into the contest, it will begin. They will have one week from the day the contest begins to write their story. After which the rest of the members of the board will vote on their favorites.

Here's a brief description of the rules:

Each Mod candidate will construct the funniest story possible using words selected by sandlot76 and myself. The story can be any length, but you must use all the words in order for the submission to be valid. Members of the board will then vote on their favorite stories. The two candidates with the most votes will receive Mod positions.

This is too weird

I'm not sure what to call this, but I just got declined from a Union. The GT Union to be exact. I think their exact words were "we cannot accept your application to the GT union without a link to the union in your sig". Now I know what your thinking, that's a fair rule, right. I think it is as well, the only problem with that is I never signed up for the GT union in the first place. This is something else, I mean I know GS has it's fair share of glitches, but this is too weird. I couldn't have applied to the union myself as I have never been to the Union homepage before I received the PM about it.

I Just got Forza Motorsport, still playing Jade Empire

I just got it today but I haven't played it yet, The day is still young though and it's almost the weekend so I'm sure I'll get to it eventually. That is one game down on an ever growing list of games to get, though my list of games to get is now competing with my list of games to beat. I don't know which list will be filled up more.

I'm currently trying to finish Jade Empire, Right now I'm on Chapter 3 and I'm at level 19. I know several different martial arts styles already. So far I know, Legendary Strike, Heavenly Wave, Spirit Thief, Leaping Tiger, Thousand Cuts, Paralyzing Palm, Storm Dragon, Ice Shard, Dire Flame, Stone Immortal, Dragon Sword, Flawless, Crimson Tears, Mirabelle, Tangs Vengence, Horse Demon, Jade Golem, and Toad Demon.

My Character is currently following the Way of the Open Palm. This is like being on the light side as opposed to the dark side of the force in KotOR. If I keep going at this rate maybe I can actually beat this game soon.

The Storm Front is up and running

I recently got complete and created my own UCB, The goal of the UCB is to provide a place to talk about anything, It's a place for us to chat about whatever is on our minds, from games to the weather. This is a private board though so it's by invitation only.