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New Journal Name

I've just changed the name of my journal and I also have a new header. What do you guys think?

This is the Journal formerly known as "Confessions Of A Skooma Addict"

Oh, yeah 800 posts count 'em up

Finally got here. Still got ways to go before I reach the inevitable 1000, but my time will come. It's not really being at 800 that I'm thankfull for. I think it has more to do with the journey and how I got here. Anyway I want to thank all my friends, you made this possible.

Wow EB doesn't give much for old games.

Here's the breakdown of what I got for these games:

Star Wars: Jedi Starfighter- PS2 - $2.00

WWF Raw - XBOX - $1.00

Super Bust-a-Move - PS2 - $2.00

ESPN X Games Skateboarding - PS2 - $0.50

Madden 2001 - PS2 - $0.10

Swing Away Golf - PS2 - $0.75

TimeSplitters - PS2 - $0.50

Dynasty Warriors 2 - PS2 - $0.75

NBA Live 2001 - PS2 - $0.25

NBA Street - GC - $0.75

WWF WrestleMania X8 - GC - $1.00

Star Wars: The Clone Wars - XBOX - $1.00

The realization that I have been ripped off by EB while thinking that this was a good thing - Priceless

There are no things that this amount of money can buy, cause everything else is worth something.

EA vs Ubisoft thoughts.

First after EA's monopoly of the NFL license and acquisition of the ESPN license it seemed like no one would stand a chance against this Empire. Then Ubisoft (a French video game Developer/Publisher) steps in as a major threat to EA's reign. Coming out with better games and selling successfull titles and franchises. Ubisoft seemed like a new hope.

Then what happened? The Empire struck back buying up 19.9% of Ubisoft stock and claiming that it was merely for financial investment. Ubisoft believes that this is a hostile takeover by the corporation. Ubisoft gets help from both the French government and fellow French Developer Infogrames who has expressed a willingness to help. There's also talk of a Ubisoft and Vivendi Universal merger.

Ubisoft then announces something major almost like a spit in the face of EA, They announced that they plan making their debut as a publisher of sports video games. They've also aquired the sports assets from Microsoft Game Studios, so they will be strong right from the beginning.

I dunno maybe it's just me but this is crazy, I mean there's always been video game rivalry but never to this extent, each company is trying to out do eachother. I think Ubisoft is mainly just defending itself while EA seeks domination.

End of February Random Thoughts

Pretty soon it will be the end of this month's ramblings, I wonder what next month will be like lol

There's a lot of good games coming out next month, and I plan on having a majority of them. What games are you looking forward to in the upcoming month?

GameSpot Hide & Seek

Hide & Seek

1. The person who is hiding has to post somewhere in the GameSpot basic forums.

2. The person who is "It" has to find the other player and post in the same forum quoting the other player.

3. Both players must stay on topic.

4. The person who is hiding has to put :wink: smiley after their post i.e. This is my post :wink:

Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion

This game is probably going to be the game by which all other rpg's are judged. It will give SquareEnix and other companies a wake up call. We need more open ended rpg's like this.
