I'm still sporting my worst injury, 4 years ago I had a corrosive acid spill onto my hand causing nerve damage. What REALLY sucks is trying to turn the pages of a book, trying to pick small things up off of flat surfaces and open things like chocolate bars or bags of chips because I lost the feeling in all the finger tips of my right hand. Sure I could just use my left hand to do most things but 23 years of being right handed I can't just start using my left because it just feels awkward.
That sucks man. What were you doing with corrosive acid if you dont mind me asking?
Back when I was working for McDonald's (I was an overnight maintenance worker) they would have me clean some equipment using acid to get all of the crap off it, so one night they send me to another McDonalds and they didnt have gloves in good enough condition to work in so I had to work with my bare hands and unfortunately for me that had to be the night I grab the ONE acid pack in the entire store that was leaking (I didn't know until it was too late). Weird thing is is that it didn't burn right away it just gradually burned away at my hand over time until a week or so later when it finally stopped doing its dirty work. McDonalds was fined BIG TIME because of that just to let anybody reading this know.
Damn that sucks man. I had a buddy who worked maintenance at McDonald's, I never knew the dangers involved lol. Would of given him more credit when he complained.
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