In Amsterdam your only meant to smoke it in the coffe shops or in your own home although there are certain parks that you may light up. It was a nice place actually, would love to see something like that implemented in the states. (Red light district aside lol it was fun but a little scummy/touristy)I don't really care honestly.. people can do what ever they want to do with their bodies just keep me out of it. By that smoke in smoking areas not out in the street where other people can breathe w/e you're smoking or smell it.
and if it bothers them to smoke in a zone where only they will get breathe it then it deserves to be illegal because not everyone likes to smoke.:|
Hubadubalubahu's forum posts
[QUOTE="lo_Pine"]The US wont be able to tax it if it becomes legal, because look at it this way. why buy marijuana when you can grow it yourself?? im sure alot of people will end up growing it themselves when it becomes legal. Why do we buy tomatoes, corn, wheat, and anything else we can grown. Sure it is a much less expensive crop and it doesnt take as much to get the desired effect as say being full from eating corn, wheat, and tomatoes or something but I do believe that if it became legal they would set up some hoops to jump through to be able to grow it on a larger scale. But I see your point, why buy it if you could have a couple plants sitting in your garden at home. But people still use the medical dispensaries right now and they could easily have a couple plants in their homes.Please explain your views.
Distribution of weed has "few" ethical implications :lol:
I guess the little civil war that is going on between the South American and Mexican cartels and that gets tens of thousands of innocent children killed every year is not a big deal.
You're completely right, and if we legalize pot then it makes it easier to crack down on illegal sales and makes the cost of black market weed prohibitive in comparison.
Or the government can stop sitting on their asses because of corporate lobbying and actually deal with the problem. And the cartels don't just do pot... You'd have to legalize every drug out there too.
Im pretty sure I clearly stated all drugs otherwise I wouldnt of covered disease. Please please please! read.[QUOTE="Heisenderp"]
You're completely right, and if we legalize pot then it makes it easier to crack down on illegal sales and makes the cost of black market weed prohibitive in comparison.
Or the government can stop sitting on their asses because of corporate lobbying and actually deal with the problem. And the cartels don't just do pot... You'd have to legalize every drug out there too.
Insinuating that the cartel problem is simply a matter of government action.
For one, if there's no demand for black market pot then there's no point in the cartels selling it. There are costs to pot production that simply make black market production unproductive such as smuggling, paying dealers, and dealing with law enforcement. Without a good deal of profit from the black market they have no incentive to keep peddling it. Besides, dealers use weed to try and hook people on other drugs. If you legalize it you eliminate that element and you make it easier to police those other drugs.
Also, thinking about the cartel problems as simply a matter of resources is fallacious, we've been battling the drug trade for decades and we haven't made a lick of difference. People like you need to realize that the military and police aren't the solution to every problem, and that policy changes (such as legalizing weed) can have a more profound impact than just throwing more force at the problem.
Thank you for explaining that. The man clearly read nothing that I wrote before trying to attack it.[QUOTE="RageQuit4Life"]
Christian is one of example for good religion. Bible taught people to be friendly to each other and humble at same time.
What species are the creatures in your signature?
Lol I think they are some sort of owl. But they almost resemble something you'd see in a creepypasta. That mean mugging one on the right creeps me out.
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