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#1 Hubadubalubahu
Member since 2005 • 1081 Posts

[QUOTE="ghoklebutter"][QUOTE="funtimez12345"]Okay, that's not true at all. Go test the blood of a "beta" then go test the blood of an "alpha" then get back to me.


What evidence do you have to support the idea that blood type and masculine personality are causally related? Testosterone is positively associated with status-seeking, domineering behavior, but a positive association is not a causative relationship. Correlation doesn't imply causation. So, until it can be proven that higher testosterone necessitates more masculinity, I will not believe so easily that masculinity is 100% innate. Gender norms are largely (though possibly not entirely) a product of culture. Don't get me wrong; there's nothing wrong with being normally masculine. It's just that alpha-male masculinity is absolutely silly.

Let's see the main difference between a male and a female.


-obvious physical differences ;bolder more dominant attitude (and don't give me that BS that gender attitudes are completely society enforced. Dominance in males is a natural thing)


-obviousy physical differences ;submissive attitude

Now onto the homonal differences between males and females. Males have more test and less estrogen. Females have more estrogen and less testosterone

Now do you think there is a reason typical "alphas" are the buff, dominant football playing types? Do you think there is a reason betas are the weaker, meeker, more submissive types?

It's plain as day to me.

He who argues with google, Doth not argue at all.
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#3 Hubadubalubahu
Member since 2005 • 1081 Posts
No clue what your talking about, cant say im familiar with this.
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#4 Hubadubalubahu
Member since 2005 • 1081 Posts
Never heard of him but RIP
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#5 Hubadubalubahu
Member since 2005 • 1081 Posts
Yes. Statement stands. Just one big copy and paste with not a hint of your own opinion. If you would like to discuss something feel free but please dont flood the thread with things you think everyone needs to read. If you want, provide a link or a summary if you read it yourself. Personally I have no idea what the hell it's on about and don't care really.
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#6 Hubadubalubahu
Member since 2005 • 1081 Posts

[QUOTE="fidosim"]I doubt the Germans would have been able to hold onto everything they occupied during the war. Their goal was basically to reorganize the European balance of power under an association of fascist states with a German superstate at the top of the hierarchy. So if they had knocked the Britons and Soviets out of the war, they probably would have accepted peace terms from Britain recognizing Germany's control over Poland and the rest of Eastern Europe and then left them alone. They would have directly annexed most of Eastern Europe, and broken up the Soviet Union between its constituent republics; The Baltic States, Ukraine, etc, and reduced Russia to the borders of the old medieval Muscovite kingdom. They would have given the Vichy government control of all of France and its colonies, and would have headed an alliance with them, as well as with fascist Italy, Hungary, and Romania. They certainly would have formalized an alliance with Spain as well, and possibly Portugal too. With their collapse, the British would probably lose their mandate over Palestine, Egypt and Iraq and those rulers would probably align with the fascists as well, as certainly would the Syrians (of which Lebanon was a part at that time), being under French administration. Hard to say what would happen to India, but without British protection it would be awfully exposed to the Japanese. Italy would retain control of Libya and Abyssinia (Ethiopia), and would likely control most of the Balkans as well. Greece would likely be an independent fascist-aligned state. The Turkish Kemalists would likely go fascist as well, attempting to regain territory in the Caucasus that they had coveted since the Ottoman days as the Soviet Union retreated from the region. They would split up access to Caucasian resources with the Germans. funtimez12345

WASHINGTON—Unable to rest their eyes on a colorful photograph or boldface heading that could be easily skimmed and forgotten about, Americans collectively recoiled Monday when confronted with a solid block of uninterrupted text.

Dumbfounded citizens from Maine to California gazed helplessly at the frightening chunk of print, unsure of what to do next. Without an illustration, chart, or embedded YouTube video to ease them in, millions were frozen in place, terrified by the sight of one long, unbroken string of English words.

"Why won't it just tell me what it's about?" said Boston resident Charlyne Thomson, who was bombarded with the overwhelming mass of black text late Monday afternoon. "There are no bullet points, no highlighted parts. I've looked everywhere—there's nothing here but words."

"Ow," Thomson added after reading the first and last lines in an attempt to get the gist of whatever the article, review, or possibly recipe was about.

At 3:16 p.m., a deafening sigh was heard across the country as the nation grappled with the daunting cascade of syllables, whose unfamiliar letter-upon-letter structure stretched on for an endless 500 words. Children wailed for the attention of their bewildered parents, businesses were shuttered, and local governments ground to a halt as Americans scanned the text in vain for a web link to click on.

Sources also reported a 450 percent rise in temple rubbing and under-the-breath cursing around this time.

"It demands so much of my time and concentration," said Chicago resident Dale Huza, who was confronted by the confusing mound of words early Monday afternoon. "This large block of text, it expects me to figure everything out on my own, and I hate it."

"I've never seen anything like it," said Mark Shelton, a high school teacher from St. Paul, MN who stared blankly at the page in front of him for several minutes before finally holding it up to his ear. "What does it want from us?"

As the public grows more desperate, scholars are working to randomly italicize different sections of the text, hoping the italics will land on the important parts and allow everyone to go on with their day. For now, though, millions of panicked and exhausted Americans continue to repetitively search the single column of print from top to bottom and right to left, looking for even the slightest semblance of meaning or perhaps a blurb.

Some have speculated that the never-ending flood of sentences may be a news article, medical study, urgent product recall notice, letter, user agreement, or even a binding contract of some kind. But until the news does a segment in which they take sections of the text and read them aloud in a slow, calm voice while highlighting those same words on the screen, no one can say for sure.

There are some, however, who remain unfazed by the virtual hailstorm of alternating consonants and vowels, and are determined to ignore it.

"I'm sure if it's important enough, they'll let us know some other way," Detroit local Janet

Landsman said. "After all, it can't be that serious. If there were anything worthwhile buried deep in that block of impenetrable English, it would at least have an accompanying photo of a celebrity or a large humorous title containing a pop culture reference."

Added Landsman, "Whatever it is, I'm pretty sure it doesn't even have a point."

This is why people should not have access to google when trying to talk about something they have no original ideas or opinions on. It ends up being one big Ctrl + C, Ctrl + V
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#7 Hubadubalubahu
Member since 2005 • 1081 Posts
What do I think about it? I think that it's 2012.
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#8 Hubadubalubahu
Member since 2005 • 1081 Posts
I came for the whiskey. Staying for the pie shaped cornbread. Congratulations!
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#9 Hubadubalubahu
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It always tickles my funny bone when protesters do this. A group of "activists" who cared so much about this boy who did nothing but good deeds, helped elderly people at school events, had no criminal record, was never in a fight, and is pretty much being portrayed as a saint in the media. When people loot and steal it doesn't make Trayvon look very good whether you like it or not. You have to wonder how good this kid really was when the friends telling these tales of heroism and good deeds are ransacking a store a week or two later. It's just not normal behavior for people who are actually motivated towards a cause, because they would know this would not help. I sure hope when I'm six feet under there is a better representation of what kind of person I was, not only words of people I knew but preferably their actions as well. I know it isn't fair to have these people's actions reflect this boys life but when you are trying to make a case for the deceased you are their only voice. Just makes you wonder what side is in the right. Times like these I wish they released evidence and up to date investigative reports to the public. Sure would keep assumptions down or at least give them a base.
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#10 Hubadubalubahu
Member since 2005 • 1081 Posts
Blogging are we?