Love this part:
One person said the naked woman is going to "offend someone."
:lol: Grow up people. It's a statue.
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Love this part:
One person said the naked woman is going to "offend someone."
:lol: Grow up people. It's a statue.
Yes since if he's not from Africa, there isn't anything African about him...If he was born in the US, he's American.[QUOTE="Pirate700"]
And...that means he's from Africa?
This is perhaps the stupidest series of posts I have ever read on these forums. This is nothing but an attempt to say "Hey, look how smart I am! I don't use African American even though it is accepted terminology, used on United States census alongside "Black," and I clearly know exactly what he means!" Seriously, I have never seen a more baiting post for someone to explain how much better they are than you, even though OP himself identifies as African American. Now that you've derailed this topic to prove a point about how silly OP apparently is for identifying as African American, can we get back on topic?
Have you checked out Tampa? It's been a long time since I've lived there, but I have the fondest memories of the place. I personally would avoid Miami, and don't even consider Key West anymore.
That would of been a really good rant, one that I too was going to make. However, seeing as they are already back on topic it is a bit counter-productive.
Not even trying to flame, but for all the talk of not conforming and not caring what people think and doing what you do because you like it; it sounds to me that, based off of your posts on GS, you are trying real hard to fit into this emo/scene category. You have the music down, you apparently want to have the hair down, you have the "I don't care what other people think!" ("But secretly I do")/angsty teen attitude down, and I would place a bet that your pants are a few sizes too small for you. I have a feeling I know what kind of, "shut up you dont know me, I actually like this stuff and I dont care what people say", response I will get. However,in about a year or so you will look back at this phase and ask yourself wtf was I doing? This is nothing more than an extremely transparent charade to fit in with your peers.
You better have a good job waiting in florida otherwise you will run out of money before you know it and have no way to sustain your new way of life you have become accustom to.
I couldn't tell you. I don't use photoshop and I don't know much about pandas other than they look pretty sweet. I'd say it's real but... who the f*ck am I?
[QUOTE="codymcclain14"][QUOTE="Wolf-Man2006"]I like a few rap songs, a few soft, pop songs, but I mainly stick to Metalcore. At least you admitted that you like something other than what you love. Your earlier posts made it sound like you completely isolate yourself from other genres of music. I can be the same way too (pretty much all the time lol), but I've listened to practically every genre of music, and know what I like/dislike, love/hate.What he said. I listen to some rap, doesn't mean I have to automatically switch my music tastes to rap..
I may be so bold to say that everyone could find at least one song in every genre that they like. Just listening to a genre once and saying I dont like this isn't exactly branching out. (Not saying you do this. Only quoted you because it made me think of this.) There are so many different artists and genres and sub-genres it is tough to single out a genre as being completely unpleasant to listen to. For me there are three genres that fit this category. Techno, Dubstep, and Metal. I loath those genres. But there are songs in each that I do find enjoyable. I can say I truly dislike those genres but to write them off completely isn't exactly fair. There are diamonds in the rough.
[QUOTE="Hubadubalubahu"]Why? Why is it every thread you post in you have to bring religion into it? Can you even have regular conversations or do you divert everything back to religion? Is it really necessary to try and make everything relevant to it? Don't you have anything else in your life you can talk about? To each his own beliefs, but really? Every topic? I get that you love god and religion is your life, and thats great whatever works for you, but the incessant monotonous religious references become numbing very quickly. Just once I would like to see you try to relate to something not on a religious level.mindstormMy intention was not to talk about religion or put forth my religious ideals. Did I at any point call anyone to hold my own point of view? Did I at any point say whether what I was writing about was even true? The topic was about writing and all of my writing always relates to religion in content. As such, when I speak about writing the topic of my experiences in writing will come up.
I wasn't saying you were putting forth your ideals or trying to say they were true. You seemed to of misunderstood. I am just wondering if you can ever relate to anything without bringing religion into it.
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