Game, Set And Match. Idont see how fans and the media prasied the single player campaign. It was so empty and most of the 16 hrs i spend on my 1stplay through was watch cutscenes. Online mode is top notch though.[QUOTE="Scianix-Black"]
Eh, it was ok.
Convoluted story that crowded the gameplay. More of an interactive CGI movie than a video game to me.
WTF? I guess I am in the minority, but I loved being immersed in a game... I like feeling attached to the characters... I like great dialogue... I like solid game play... I like having a meaning of playing the games. I guess there are a lot of people out there that want to see zero cut scenes and just play play play. I have friends like that, and I guess you guys are like that too. I am not saying there is anything wrong with that. But to me it is not nearly as interesting. I want to become attached to the characters and feel what they are feeling. This is what makes MGS4 the best game I have EVER played, not just the best of this generation.
If you don't want a story, just buy one of the millions of FPS and have fun blasting people into the next millineum. But as for me, give me a game world where I become completely immersed and care about the characters. Give me more Metal Gear.
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