I'd rather face execution as a traitor than spill my blood on the streets of Baghdad. If my country was in need of defenders from a real enemy, to be conscripted would be an honor. But there was no connection to Al Qaida. There was no connection to 9/11. The only connection was oil and Iraq's threatening to switch to the petroeuro and not the petrodollar. It was a lie. Everything we were told was a lie. I would refuse even if it cost me my life.
In general Dems - are for high taxes to pay for more social programs. Which causes a bigger gov. They are not fans of our military, nor have a decent foriegn policy. They endorse "feel good" policies.
Rep. - are for lower taxes, to spur the economy, are for smaller gov., are for a strong military, are for helping people to help themselves rather than to throw an expensive social program out there as a bandaid.
Hmm. That's a tough one. There have been some really great goals. But I'd have to go with Roberto Carlos' screamer against France off that free kick back in '98, I think it was. Talk about getting your swerve on...
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