HupHupOranje's forum posts

So I sat down and watched Senator Obama's speech and thought it was pretty good (he's a much better public speaker than G-Dub).
However I was somewhat puzzled by a comment I heard from a CNN anchor almost immediately after the speech was over.
"So when we come back from the break, we'll tackle the question: Can a black man run the country?"
I stopped chewing on my sammich and hit the rewind button on my DVR thingy, just to double-check that I heard correctly.
Whats even better? The anchor posing this question (ironically) happened to be a black man.
Between this, and the recent special they did portraying Atheists as, essentially, the cancer that is killing America - I have decided that it's probably a good thing I don't watch TV anymore because it's still full of ignorant, mindless hacks who will let anyone say whatever the hell they want.
unfortunately no.....
Yikes. I'm not questioning either of you here, just making the note that when you're both at different colleges (potentially a long distance from each other) it can either a) be great because it keeps you both from being clingy and makes it all the more fun when you see each other again or b) make cheating or ending the relationship a lot easier to handle.
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