I do, but I typically stick to news that has a bit more importance on a global scale. People murder other people everyday, if you're still in shock I'd advise you become a hermit.
...thanks to China? http://www.cnn.com/2007/WORLD/asiapcf/02/13/nkorea.talks/index.html • North Korea agrees to shut down its main nuclear reactor within 60 days • The country will receive an initial 50,000 tons of fuel oil or financial aid • It will receive another 950,000 tons for irreversibly disabling the reactor • Another meeting of the nuclear envoys is scheduled for March 19
Diplomacy? What? That can't be effective! Invade Pyongyang! :| Â
[QUOTE="-Karayan-"][QUOTE="DJ-PRIME90"]they have the biggest army. thats all. but if the rest of the world took on the US, the US would easily lose. Everyone would lose, it'd be complete MAD. The MAD Theory is in reference to nuclear war, not a conventional conflict.
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