HushRong's forum posts
Seen them but not extensively. Right now I am watching South Park(the Coon Saga was pretty dumb I think), It's Always Sunny in Philidelphia, Community, Modern Family & 30 Rock (I have missed a few epsides of the last 3 listed).
Best CREATIVE way to cook a steak
@E1: Imma call you Ron Burgundy because you post the news haha!
And I don't know why but I know what a DOS is. Interesting. Our families first computer was an Apple. We had it in Germany(93-95) and I used it to play this Bernstein Bears alphabet game. I can't remember if I used that computer for future games like Wolfenstein 3D & it's Street Fighter version(I know I am not making that up). I can't remember our second computer...because I played Duke Nukem and the X-wing/Tie-Fighter simulators on that! Ahhhh, the memories...
@Chang: the Walking Dead comic/graphic novel is pretty alright(pretty graphic for the weak-stomach) and I heard it was getting its own show. I will have to check it out!
And you have some serious life choices to make with what game to play next! Good luck on your decision. They are all good choices but I would vote on Muramasa...because it has to be awesome since E1 was hooked on it haha.
@Gregg: Congrats
@Gregg & D3j1K0: I forgot all about Murphy's nipples...
@Kat: Have fun with your fall break! I am anxiously waiting for my winter break...nearly a month of doing jack squat where I will got to Germany for a McRib and McBeer.
Anything special planned for your break?
@Serb: I would agree here an there with the 'sit back an relax' deal in gaming. I don't know if i should pride myself on this but I can play a fast paced shooter while sitting back and relaxing instead of sitting up, leaning close to the tv. But with the Wii motion, Kinect, and the Sony thing-that-does-the-same-as-wii-&-kinect they expect you to get up and move haha.
*EDIT* I forgot to mention I finally picked up CoD Black Ops. Played 2 campaign missions, a good bit of Multiplayer, and A LOT of Zombies(really fun arcade mode they added too). So far it is alright, nothing super awesome has really struck me about this game(Kind of like MW2...just really hyped). Treyarch did ok besides the usually little bugs any new game gets before it's patched up.
My only hate at the moment is SPAWN POINTS. I haven't experienced CoD style spawn-killing since I picked up BFBC2(whether taking it or dishing it out) and I have to say I didn't miss it haha. You either spawn into a death trap because the location is a choke point or it spawns you RIGHT IN FRONT of an enemy. This reminds me of MW2 where i got spawned in front of a camper 5 times in a row(on different parts of the map without fail)...
Never done that haha, I am a Cinnamon Toast Crunch Loyalist! I used to like applejacks but they got rid of the mascots i liked an that cereal was dead to me.
best television team?
HOUSE AND CAR INSURANCE! *i scream this but my mouth doesnt move to the words
Something that looks really cute but is totally dangerous?
*i'm not the only one who forgets :)
at the is a tie between Metal Gear Solid and the Battlefield series. MGS has always been awesome(the gameplay, breaking the 4th wall, crazy story, etc...) and Battlefield is just fun(big open battlefields where anything can happen and you can do anything).
Why are the old Burger King mascots gone?
@sei: Sealab was awesome! My all time favorite is Captain Murphy and his happy cake oven. *my sister and i laugh when we think of captain murphy's dialogue regarding stormy in that episode.
i do miss that show...
@Serb: Yeah, it does look good. I don't know if i will pick it up though. One of my buds said it would work on any current comp because the specs arent high. The only thing is that i dont like to game on my pc as much.
@Arch: Thats pretty cool. and CASTLE WOLFENSTEIN 3D!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! that was my first shooter EVER! I had it on floppy disks and used to kill nazi's and hitler while he was in his mecha suit. good times. i also had Castle Wolfenstein Street Fighter edition too. nothing like a nazi, dressed as ryu(or the white guy) shooting fireballs at you. well...thats what i think was going on.
@E1: You need to stop by more or we will report you for going AWOL! I am excited too about CoD BO and it comes out in like 3 hours i think. but i am not going to stand in line outside a gamestop for 3 hours. i might pick it up on the way home tomorrow.
and have fun with Fallout 3! really fun game...especially when you plant explosives into peoples pockets.
maybe...if they play video games regularly.
what fruit makes the best drink?
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