HushRong's forum posts
@sei: I didnt see Sealab on his list of stuff he has done! But man has that guy been working A LOT!
@Gregg: Hope you got some good scores.
I just saw a preview for the new TRON Legacy movie! looks cool. i remember when i saw the first tron as a kid...i thought something was wrong with my tv.
and remember everyone...thanksgiving is only a few weeks away for AMERICA...meaning that something even better is getting closer! Jingle Bells Everyone! JINGLE BELLS!
i dont know its name...the tribesmen didnt tell me fact...i dont remember even seeing them hunt any animals. I am worried now... besides that...PIZZA(you can add ANYHTHING on top of it. want buffalo wings? make a buffalo wing pizza! it can do on forever)
what character do you like most that has had the most development?
best use of a DDR pad that doesnt involve dancing?
He must have awesome guitar hero skills!
Ā The Muffin Men and the Keebler Elves have formed a fellowship of the Funyun Ring...should i go see a doctor?
@wonzan: he didnt get the empire he wanted by his methods of backstabbing.
Best place to eat a pizza?
@Sei: Yeah, 5's story took the formula and mixed it a milk shake. One thing i need to find out is who the voice actor was for chopper. He has a unique voice to him...and it sounds likeĀ stormy waters from sealab 2021.
An you can use your warranty right before it runs out? If so that's good.
@Serb: Yeah, a lot of Battlefield news being released, New maps for BC2(even though they are old ones they are classic. at least they arent recycling current ones), more maps possible for the expansion, and a free online shooter. I think CoD BO is only going to last a few weeks for me...
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