HushRong's forum posts
The Internet, Playstation 3, and consumable goods!
If you could take a horrible movie and make it better, what would you do?
@polter: have a good weekend too. I noticed the new Golden Sun awhile back...i think i may pick it up as well since i beat the first two(which were really good). I just hope i have the attention span for it.
@Hush: I am probably being pessimistic, but I doubt it will top 5's story. It was just so good. I would rather run around with Teddy Roosevelt. :P In other news, my 360 finally blew up....right as the stupid Borderlands patch came out. :cry:Seiryuu-
As for the story...yeah, 5 is way up there. I mean, every AC game is about one country attacking another with complete surprise and the defenders having to fight back. so...this formula is well worn.
an sorry to hear about your 360...
@DJ: Hi
@Serb: I think i will. I also might have to eat my own words when i thought BFBC2 was dead. Rumors are abound that they will release maps from BC1(really awesome ones) on bc2. An BFBC@ vietnam will have more maps than expected. so...CoD BO might take a back seat haha.
@Arch: What kind of things do you record?
@Chang: Have fun with your work too much so you were definitely due for one.
@Kat: wow haha. I also know you have brown hair now...*as i said in a non-creepy voice
@sei: been tracking it and nothing. I still want to know a bit about the story(it seriously better be good) and how this game plays since they added a thing or two.
Well...CoD Black Ops comes out next week tuesday. So I will be playing that, i am looking forward to Zombies again. Nothing seems cooler than putting down the undead as Castro or JFK...and the awesome REAGAN! i hope treyarch does some good on this game's story mode and multiplayer. WaW got annoying quick.
How could you? I mean...they're so fast!
If you re-arrange the letters of your favorite movie and your favorite song, can you make a whole sentence?
i do not grab...i CONSUME!!!
your favorite empire?
@e1...i did forget to ask a question...AGAIN
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