@oSoLucky Here's the thing that nobody wants to admit to.....Nintendo could release the most cutting edge console with a perfect controller and none of that would make a difference. Everyone keeps saying that Nintendo has turned there back on gamers....did it ever occur that as gamers and developers we turned our backs on them.
They've been doing the same thing that they have been doing when they first started....making great games.
@pmnowak79 First....spare me the fanboy crap anyone who likes Nintendo (for whatever reason) gets thrown into that pile. Second....didn't buy Crysis 3, quite frankly FPS's have worn out their welcome in this industy.
@emptycow @HydePark1980 So one more time for the cheap seats, your logic is that because the Wii U is struggling now there's no possible way things will get better for it right?
@pmnowak79 First and foremost YES Gamespot is biased against Nintendo.....anybody can see that. Second I've yet to come across an article on here that stated that a developer is abandoning the Wii U.
HydePark1980's comments