@Bl4KD37H True but the bottom line is that a Castlevania game is coming to a Nintendo system (rather popular one at that). It's not Nintendo's fault that Konami decided to put a game on one system and leave the other one out in the cold.
Goddamn!! Gamespot must really hate Nintendo, these guys can't go one week without posting an article about what's not coming to the Wii U. What's even more interesting is that Gamespot doesn't make note that Nintendo is the only company that's actually getting an exclusive Castlevania game (3DS).
True that Nintendo is struggling on the console front ( which can always change), but let's be real here they practically own the handheld market. If any I probably see Nintendo going beyond the Wii U creating some sort of console handheld hybrid.
In any case every single person that predicted that Nintendo would go 3rd party only or drop out of the industry completely has been wrong. It's they same shit over and over again, Nintendo will release another console 7 to 10 years from now and people will say the same goddamn thing.
If you really believe that Nintendo is on it's way out then you're either........
While certainly intrigued, I didn't see one thing that makes me want to go out and buy one at launch. This is exactly what I suspected Sony would do......and that worries me.
@bi0hazard187949 @vatorus Not really they could've did what they did last night at E3 and just given a simple announcement that PS4 would be launched this year. Now they're in a position where they have to work twice as hard as everybody else at E3 in June.
As a huge fan of Sony I gotta say while I was intrigued I certainly wasn't blown away. This is all stuff they could have shown at E3 along with the console itself. Now they're gonna have to work twice as hard this coming June.
@hystavito It's understandable not to be excited but when Nintendo hasn't given much info on the future of a new console it could mean one of two things. Either they have nothing in store (highly unlikely) or they've got something big on the horizon. You don't show your full hand until everyone else is ready to.
As for graphics something tells me that once developers get more familiar with the Wii U it'll hold it's own in that department.
HydePark1980's comments