While a huge fan of Nintendo I think they need to save their breathe on this one. The bottom line is this generation (and some of the previous) of gamers aren't listening. The sad thing is that we are starting to see evidence of what he's saying right now. Third parties are starting go belly up, game franchises that once dominated this industry are no longer the power houses they use to be. Gamers can talk about game diversity on consoles till they're blue in the face but in today's market the mature themed games are the ones that drive sales........not convinced just look at sale numbers.
Lots of gamers would say that games need to be innovative and not consoles, the problem with that is innovation in games is a standard and has been since the days of NES and Sega Master System. The truth is that companies are gonna have to take risks with their consoles.....this isn't the age of comparing arcade games to their console counterparts so graphics are no longer the issue. To say nothing of the fact that so many mobile games are in circulation and their graphics are a joke but the games are fun. So what's left......innovation of the consoles.
@superbuuman @HydePark1980 "they're in trouble & they know it" According to the world of gamers when are they not in trouble. Yet despite the negativity and the bullshit predictions of failure they still manage to stay in the game.
"So far they haven't provided any release dates for the games they shown." Name a developer who gives you an exact release date a week after announcing a game?
@killa32130 @emptycow Look at what you're saying 2 systems were flops and the third hardly had any 3rd party support. Yet Nintendo still remains, when are people going to wake up and realize that company isn't going anywhere.
Here's the most hilarious thing though......how does a system that had hardly any 3rd party support outsell the other two being a year late in the game?
This is just a waiting game (which is smart) see what your competitors come up with then start making some moves. Nintendo has been at this far too long, they know what they're doing.
HydePark1980's comments