@victorlamy @HydePark1980 Can't most of the stuff I'm playing now is Nintendo. At one point I use to think Nintendo was just for kids......but then I woke up.
@fanirama I'm laughing my ass off.....one sold 100 million and the other has sold just over 3 million in less than three months. And let's not forget that games and consoles aren't getting any cheaper nowadays.
@emptycow @Memories0fBlood @HydePark1980 LMAO.....I'm convinced more than ever that you haven't played games for very long. That system had arguably the greatest game ever made on it and a lot more good ones to boot.
After Nintendo bounces back (let's face facts they always do) I really want to see who in this industry is still stupid enough to challenge them weather or not they can still make it.
This just reinforces how gamers in this industry today are full of shit......back when this game was first announced as a Wii U exclusive it got written off as just another kids game on the system. Now all of a sudden it gets announced for MS and Sony and gamers are treating this like it's the biggest announcement for PS3 and 360 since GTA V.
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