It's really hard to get behind the idea of Nintendo failing despite most gamers in this industry mysteriously acquiring psychic abilities and knowing their future. No other company in this industry has faced the adversity that they have and yet they still stand strong. As gamers I don't think we know what we're talking about when it comes to Nintendo. I suspect that if they just listened to us all the time they would have been out of business a long time ago.
@emptycow @HydePark1980 Bad games with good graphics, that's a position that a lot of 3rd parties are in. I find it hilarious when Nintendo gets dogged for it's 3rd party support but when you look at the other two they have the support but 90% of what those third parties produce you wouldn't buy it anyway.
@emptycow Let's look at this from a financial stand keep increasing graphics it boosts production costs. Now as a third party it puts pressure on you to stay afloat, so you're game with the fancy graphics is gonna have to sell like hotcakes otherwise you put yourself in a position to end up like THQ.
@Spartan_418 I think it's safe to safe that we've reached a point where a gamer can tell the difference between a porcupine and a shrub in a it's really hard to sell me on bigger better graphics.
HydePark1980's comments