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#1 Hydra1234
Member since 2011 • 84 Posts


My PC cost $650 in march and it destroys all of the consoles put together. Here is the build:

Phenom 2be 955


8gb ram

500gb 7200rpm hdd

razer naga

razer nostromo

connected to a 46" TV=rape sauce

all three consoles at launch would run you $1275. the tc is clearly touched in the head.


Anbody with any shred of logic and sense would wait for price drops like most peeople do, PC gamers do it with components and people do it with consoles i didnt take the plunge with the 360 til last year and waited till the PS3 was £299 before i got it roughly 3-4 years ago now.

A stupid idiot buys at launch a sensible person bides his time and snags them on the cheap on top of that you dont even need every console either tbh.

you are the worst. i bought my 360 at launch for $400. it was worth it at the time. for the extra $200 i got to enjoy my 360 for 6 more years than you. considering that the new one is coming out in about a year and the life cycle only has maybe 2 years left you're actually paying more per year for yours and that makes me laugh...at you. lol, 7/$400=$57 per year for me and you're paying 3/$200=$66. so while you were playing whatever out of date console you were playing at the time i was enjoying my 360. just because you paid less, doesn't mean it cost you less. i paid 15% less per year of gaming for my 360. you seem to always have a case of reverse snobbism. you look down on people who actually like to spend money on their hobby it makes you look sad. you did the same thing in a pc thread a while ago.

Yeah but the fact is you didn't get Anti-aliasing...Not to mention, you fail to take into consideration the cost of a brand new tv don't you? Also, I can reuse old parts from my old rig(such as monitor/PSU/K/b/mouse/case/Cooler).
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#2 Hydra1234
Member since 2011 • 84 Posts
[QUOTE="RyviusARC"]PC gets a great MMORPG exclusive SWTOR. Which is like Knights of the Old Republic but in an MMORPG. Or for those who don't know of that it's kind of like Mass Effect for dialogue.

2002 called.Those graphics look like ps2 graphics...No thanks. You guys can enjoy paying for muliplayer...
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#3 Hydra1234
Member since 2011 • 84 Posts
You sir need better eyes if you think there isn't a BIG difference between 1080p and 720p. Upscaled games look damn fugly without AA. It is clear you don't game on the PC.
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#4 Hydra1234
Member since 2011 • 84 Posts

Some might consider it a flop, but I consider it the best 15$ I have ever spent.

That 15 bucks went towards buying better titles on the steam sales...where I was able to purchase more than 1 game.I can't believe this is where PC gaming is going....
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#5 Hydra1234
Member since 2011 • 84 Posts
One of the most over-rated games that has been made on the PC platform. Those hideous textures make me vomit. Not to mention there is really no storyline or any real objective to the game other than building blocks...Oh it's written in java too not to mention, it is suited towards the casual market.
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#6 Hydra1234
Member since 2011 • 84 Posts

The lines between "PC" and "Console" gaming are becoming blurred.

If they're using similar hardware, similar architecture, same controller, same games.

On my PC my monitor goes up to 1080p

On my console my TV goes up to 1080p

Hit that threshold and there is very little difference you can make graphically.

From an industry standpoint, it's easier to code for a standardized platform whose specs do not change.

In terms of piracy, on PC is much more vulnerable.

As far as Microsoft's plans to merge Xbox Live as a cross-hardware platform, if anybody can pull it off they can. But then you are losing one of the main advantages of PC which is freedom and individual communities running their own servers and modding.

They're not gonna want people making their own horse armor mods. They will want to sell it to you for 500 microsoft points.

When XBL gets fully integrated into Windows, PC gaming is boned.

Because then you will have all the downsides of console gaming with none of the upsides.

You will still have to spec out your PC and keep up to date with hardware changes.

You still can't "just plug it in and play."

But now the developers will want you to buy THEIR dlc's and THEIR mods.

They don't want you playing their 5 year old game with a player made campaign. They will want to monetize.

If all we have to look forward to every year is a new Gears and a new Halo, then I don't see a point in putting together a serious rig to run it, when you can run it on a $199 POS that you just plug in and play.

As far as non-XBL PC games.

Well, there's some good ones but generally speaking it's purely nerd territory.

Nobody's coming home from the Lady Gaga concert to play Eve Online, ya know what I mean?

Just because I or you can appreciate "real" PC games doesn't mean they have a commercial future.

Spike TV aint gonna be doing a PC gaming special anytime soon.

At the same time, maybe that's not such a bad thing.

Maybe what gaming really needs is some hardcore niche markets to differentiate from the homogenized, pasteurized garbage that generally passes for "gaming" on a console.

My 2 cents

Your so called 1080p is upscaled FROM 720p. Most games on consoles run at 720p(a lot of titles even lower) and are upscaled to 1080p. Only a few titles can run at 1080p. There is the lack of AA...
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#7 Hydra1234
Member since 2011 • 84 Posts
[QUOTE="lowe0"][QUOTE="-Unreal-"][QUOTE="Hydra1234"] Actually I own 2xEVGA gtx480 and everything was maxed out even with the patch. It looked not even close to crysis 1. They added a lot of Bloom lighting to hide the terrible ttextures. Perhaps it is you who needs to get your eyes checked. And yes I own a 24" monitor and run the game at 1920*1200

Crysis 2 looks better than Crysis 1. If you do have that PC, you're just plain lying. But we could already gather that from your opening post anyway.

Do you guys ever get sick of playing the "you're lying" card?

But I am not...It is clear the game didn't push the visuals as much crysis 1 did. The difference from what we saw from far cry 1 to crysis 1.
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#8 Hydra1234
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Crysis 2 looks better than crysis 1. If all this is all about graphics go look at that mod of GTA4.

[QUOTE="SAGE_OF_FIRE"][QUOTE="Hydra1234"]Here is a gif that shows the so called "direct x11 patch" http://www.mycrysis.com/news/crysis_2/crysis-2-dx11-and-high-res-textures-update

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ZijRTU23wQ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-_IKqjb9TRY

Looks meh at best. Still better than the stock crysis but doesn't surpass crysis1, sorry. Fixed typo.
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#9 Hydra1234
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[QUOTE="Hydra1234"]It is clear that next generation is around the corner. Whilst some say that PC gaming is far from dead. However, what type of PC gaming are people talking about? From my recollection, there haven't been that many games that actually challenge high end PC gaming.Those that have are A) Poorly optimized or terrible console ports. Hell...there has yet to be a game that surpasses the visual quality of the awesome 2007 PC title crysis 1.Not even it's successor(crysis 2) comes even close to the visual awesomeness of crysis 1). Some say that with the high res texture packs it makes a difference but I beg to differ. I've bought crysis 2 on PC with the direct x11 patch and It felt like a 2-3 notches down from it's predecessor. In contrast, PC gaming is becoming more indie, and the casual market is thriving with facebook and failville games taking over the platform.Not to say that games don't look better but we haven't seen a game that looks better than crysis1. Whilst gaming maybe just about fun, I hate to play games with bad polygons and strain the eye. It's like watching stuff in 1080p vs VHS quality;the experience is just not the same. For those who say, you should just game for "fun" factor. Well I am sorry but the whole point of upgrading to the newer graphics card is because you get better frame-rate and you assume that you'd get better visuals but PC gamers haven't seen that. I fear that the way developers/manufacturers will resort to cheap tactics such as providing poor driver support or developers purposely making the game unnecessarily resource intensive. Will next generation consoles be where all the hardcore gamers will go? I am sorry but I don't view minecraft as a true hardcore "PC game". It's more suited towards the casual market and frankly I yawn at it. This is on personal preference and my gaming preferences have changed over the years I've gamed for. Discuss.Cloud567kar

Witcher 2, Battlefield 3, Red Orchestra 2?

BF3/witcher 2 doesn't look better than crysis 1. It does look good though but not as good. Nor does it surpass crysis. I haven't played red orchestra 2 so I can't comment on that.
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#10 Hydra1234
Member since 2011 • 84 Posts
Here is a gif that shows the so called "direct x11 patch" http://www.mycrysis.com/gallery/screenshot/dx11--tessellation-3-on