What console is doing the best right now in the hearts and minds of System wars posters? Let's forget NPD sales data for a second, and look solely at perceptions from system wars posts. The people who post here are way more intense and devoted to gaming than most people, so it is interesting to see trends based on system wars posts.
The Wii is doing great, however, it does have the perception that all of its big guns have been released, and there is nothing remaining except for shovelware. The recent Capcom game announcement does not help either. For some reason, the Wii still has the "kiddie" perception, and some fanboys even claim that it is not in competition with the PS3 and 360 due to its last gen graphics.
The PS3 seems to be losing badly on System Wars lately. Today's announcement of Three (3) game cancellations does not help, and two of them were exclusives (and like it or not, I have seen the Eight Days game being hyped by cows many times here. How do I know? Because I thought it looked cool, and wished it was on the 360 when I saw the images from like a year ago). The recent annoucement of that $24.99 PSN thing doesn't help either. Combine that with the very recent Haze mega-flop, and things are looking down for the PS3. The one thing keeping it afloat here is the impending reviews and release of MGS4, which I admit are probably going to be good.
360 is doing pretty well. The NG2 score can be seen as a flop of sorts, so that is a bummer. But it is becoming more and more common knowledge on system wars of the benefits of being "easier to develop for than the PS3", in addition to (in my and many others here opinion) a superior 2008 games list, as well as many posters admitting that blu-ray is not necessary for gaming (yet). The recent gamespot article comparing graphics between the PS3 and 360 only helped the 360's cause.
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