II_Seraphim_II's forum posts
It's all coming. This has already been confirmed as a minimum:[QUOTE="II_Seraphim_II"]Im one of the few who is actually looking forward to this. My only concern is the lack of content.Spartan070
* 16 characters * 16 stages
* several play modes
* no doppelganger or copycat/mimic characters
* Original KI and KI2 with eventual online play for both
* old and new "dynamic soundtracks" that adapt to the current speed of play (for instance Saberwulfs new theme will become a cacophony of organ and percussion music like something out of a vintage horror flick when the action is fast paced and slowly recede back to the original KI theme if the characters actually become idle)
* old and new announcers are available
* stage finishers, Ultimates and alternate ULTRAs are coming for all stages and characters (Humiliations also I would bet on it)
* A team of devs dedicated to constant oversight, support and feedback response
* tons of unlockable accessories, colors and likely bosses.
All the above save the old KIs for only $40, steal of the gen.
Oh no, I'm sure there will be more content over time...I'm just talking about release date. it just feels like a rushed product. I would much rather they delayed it, until they got everything they want to have in the final product, and then release it. Cause releasing with 6 characters (2 to be added post release) is just a bit weak IMO. Rushed games almost always come out mediocre and that's what im concerned about.Additional controller and game cost more money? No way! Are you really that much of an idiot? Guess what. When you buy 2 PS4s you pay $800. And when you buy 2 bundles you pay $1000. Good lord, that's twice as much as the XBox One![QUOTE="nethernova"][QUOTE="jhonMalcovich"]
So much BLAH BLAH BLAH 400$ BLAH BLAH :lol:
I am just pointing it out Sony´s hipocresy. They told 400$ but forgot to mention that´s the most basic model that won´t include even a game.
Almost all people buy bundles, and Sony pricing is not any cheeper than Ms.
The level of idiocy in your post is causing my computer to crash.....
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