II_Seraphim_II's forum posts
stoners always have sumthing to talk about and laugh aboutbut then stoners will have nothing to talk about
You know, I agree with you 100%. I do think the UN is absolutely worthless and is nothing more than League of Nations 2.0. We should probably disband it, save some money and just let people do whatever they wanna do. The whole premise of the UN is flawed. You give certain nations veto powers? and then we look at international law and the international criminal court where Americans are immune? wtf is the point? all these organizations are a big sham. My point is, the UN was that worthless organization that everyone likes to pretend works...and that kept some form of order in the world. Doing this will be the final nail in the coffin for an already dead organization and then who knows what will happen.[QUOTE="II_Seraphim_II"][QUOTE="dude_brahmski"]
>implying the UN is now, or has ever been, taken seriously.
Acting w/o approval would change exactly nothing.
I guess we will see.It's favouring money over both.rjdofuExactly lol. MS is just more willing to throw more money its way.
[QUOTE="Capitan_Kid"]Why does the US give a shit about Syria?Gaming-PlanetBecause profit. Where was America when African countries were going to civil war? Not giving a shit. It also has nothing to do with the use of chemical weapons. pretty much.
Pistachio by Lisa Hannigan always cheers me up :P Also, laying in a bath tub, sipping on wine while destroying noobs in an extremely violent video game helps too :P
[QUOTE="stereointegrity"][QUOTE="Trinitarian"]Trinitarianexactly...how can they say if may be closer and in the previous sentence say we dont know yet gtfo you know nothing of tech dipsh1t your trying to compare apples to my balls and you have no idea what you talking about so stfu and gtfo lol "apples to my balls" :lol:
Multiple counts of pre-meditated murder? Of course this is the proper sentence, I wouldn't have it any other way. [QUOTE="ferrari2001"]Way to go America, one of the only 1st world countries to still sport the death penalty. Time to get rid of it. TheGrat1What is the practical difference between execution and a life sentence without the possibility of parole? Not sure if serious.....what is the difference between death and life?Im pretty sure they are absolute opposites. Everything being alive is, is what being dead is not.
Ignoring the UN is giving every country the OK to ignore the UN[QUOTE="II_Seraphim_II"][QUOTE="Person0"]Chemical weapons are a hell of a lot worse then conventional armaments. Giving Assad the okay to use chemical weapons, gives any country the okay to use them.dude_brahmski
>implying the UN is now, or has ever been, taken seriously.
You know, I agree with you 100%. I do think the UN is absolutely worthless and is nothing more than League of Nations 2.0. We should probably disband it, save some money and just let people do whatever they wanna do. The whole premise of the UN is flawed. You give certain nations veto powers? and then we look at international law and the international criminal court where Americans are immune? wtf is the point? all these organizations are a big sham. My point is, the UN was that worthless organization that everyone likes to pretend works...and that kept some form of order in the world. Doing this will be the final nail in the coffin for an already dead organization and then who knows what will happen.
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