I think Sony checks all this stuff, but with all the different SKUs out there, and the different settings and the fact that some people have the old 60GB version with bc and some dont, and different people have different HDDs and all that jazz, some times things just go bad lol :Pso let me see if i have this topic straight.[QUOTE="II_Seraphim_II"][QUOTE="Riverwolf007"]sony should ask ms to quality control their firmware updates.
when devs release bad games that need multiple patches and when sony releases firmware that bricks the system it is just how the cookie crumbles and we should accept it as how things are.
when ms forces devs to go through a long costly quality control procedure they are bad guys.
is that a pretty fair assessment of this topic so far?
I think you are completely missing the point. Remember the Fez developer? They wouldnt release a patch for the game because in order to be able to release one, they would have to pay MS a lot of money for the quality assurance checking and all that jazz (eventually MS dropped it and so they released a patch). Sure if you're Ubisoft, that's not a big deal, but when you are an indie developer, you cant afford to pay the thousands that MS requires. So in an attempt to keep all patches glitch free, MS just succeeded in keeping the games Patch-free and people just had to deal with the glitches. That's the problem. The whole Quality assurance aspect is great, but just make it affordable.
I would rather risk getting a faulty patch every now and then if it means I will get more constant patches and updates to my product. So yeah, the game goes down for a day or 2, I can live with that. Its better than having a save game glitch that messes up ur entire experience.
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