lol, im starting to like this guy.looks like a launch ps3 game, which is baffling considering they're struggling to even make it run at 20fps.Â
II_Seraphim_II's forum posts
Im pretty sure that this is dependent on state laws, but I believe if you can prove that the person is a danger to either themselves or another, you can have them commited to psychiatric institution. In a psyche unit, they will be derived of their drug of choice (in this case alcohol) but it wont be real rehab per say, because real rehab sort of needs the patient to want it too. But I feel for you, cause my brother is bipolar and extremely aggressive. Unluckily for me, I live in Africa were pretty much there is no mental health care system, so I just have to deal with him the way he is. I dont wanna get rid of him, because he is my brother and I know he is sick and is not doing this on purpose, but I could use some help :( He is one of the reasons I started working out lol, got tired of getting beat up :PMy brother is a raging alcoholic, and has been for 15 years. He can't hold a job, he's 36 and has never left home, and he's driving my mother crazy. She just called and said he's passed out naked on the living room floor, so it looks like I'm going to have to drop what I'm doing, again, and go move his naked ass.
My mom's over it, and I'm over my mom being stressed out over it. She won't kick him out because she's too kind, but something's gotta give somewhere.
How do you get someone committed to rehab against their will? Can you even? We're in Tennessee, if state law matters.
So now I gotta go do this stupid shit. Again. :evil:
I don't understand ultimately why people have a problem with patenting an organism. If someone spent millions on research and development of something, how can you change the patent system to allow that company to reap the fruits of their labours? and still let everyone else have access to it? Just wondering. Maybe the timing of patents, like you can have exclusivity to something up to 3-5 years then it becomes an open patent.[QUOTE="Human-after-all"][QUOTE="metroidfood"]
This basically. There haven't been any demonstrated negative health effects of GMOs and genetic modification is really just a more expedited form of selective breeding/evolution.
The real problem comes from companies like Monsanto which patent living organisms and don't regulate genes that can spread into the wild.
it is the way they enforce it. Â Example:
Farmer A buys Monsanto brand X corn. Â It comes with a clause that he must buy new seed every year, cannot store and reuse seed after each harvest, and if he does so, will be fined out the ass.
Farmer B uses the same old corn he has been using for the past few years.
Because corn is wind pollinated, and Farmer A and Farmer B are neighbors, some of Farmer A's pollen gets over to Farmer B's corn where suddenly his traditional corn is pollinated and *voila* it is suddenly containing some of the Monsanto DNA.
Now, here is the fun part. Â Monsanto ILLEGALLY drives around and picks samples from farms on a regular basis to check for this exact occurrence so they can take farmers to court. Â But due to their strong lobbying, they can LEGALLY use their findings to sue the pants off of Farmer B, and essentially drive the small farmer out of business so that they have a monopoly.
THis is not paranoia, this is literally happening every week across the nation. Â I went to a predominately agricultural college, and this happened to a bunch of friends of mine who's folks grew corn, rice, soy, sorghum, name it
You see, now the way you explained it makes sense and yeah, that is very messed up. If what you say is truly happening (and I have no reason to doubt you), then I definitely would not support any company that practices those type of techniques. That being said, I don't see a problem with the actual technology behind GMOs and I support them. But I certainly dont support the shady and borderline illegal tactics that companies are using to make profit off of them.[QUOTE="Baranga"]i did. lol, Emmerich's Godzilla was terrible, but terrible in a way where u find yourself rewatching it when you're bored lol.Everybody likes Emmerich's Godzilla, but few are brave enough to admit it.
Supplement dat shit bro. Generally speak non-blacks don't need vitamin D via sun. Its got nothing to do with race, and you dont get VitD from the sun, UV Radiation from the sun causes the skin to start the process of Vitamin D synthesis and then the Kidneys convert it to the active form, so I dont care who you be, you need the sunlight plus a diet high in Vit D lol.[QUOTE="Nuck81"]Vitamin D broFightingfan
Yes, because some idiots on Twitter represent all 200 million non-Hispanic whites in the US. That's some great logic you got going there.Â[QUOTE="gamerguru100"][QUOTE="heeweesRus"]mems_1224

I think people take this genetically modified issue out of context. What does genetically modified actually mean to you? Cause technically, when im controlling the breeding pattern of a species, I'm technically modifying the genetic outcome to get a favorable result. Take for instance something as simple those seedless fruits you buy at the store. Do you actually think these fruits grow without seeds? Obviously not! Sure there could be a mutation that causes the fruit to grow without seeds, but that mutation would pretty much die out in that generation cause the fruit would be unable to reproduce. So how do you get seedless fruits? Through hybridization.
This is similar to how we create a mule. You take a male donkey and a female horse, get them to mate, and you get a mule as a result. A creature that is bred to have all the characteristics of a horse that you want, and all the charactersitics of a donkey that you want. By controlling the mating environments, you are modifying the probability of genetic outcomes to get a favorable outcome.
So my question is, if you have no problem with hybridization, then whats the issue with splicing some DNA into another organism, or removing a few chromosomes? If i were to hybridize a water melon to have less chromosomes, and thus grow without seeds, or if I were to take the watermelon germ cell and physically splice out some of the chromosomes to make them seedless, whats the difference? Its like the difference between me coming into your house and shooting you vs cutting your gas line so when you light a match your house blows up. In the first example im physically killing you, in the other im facilitating the conditions to make your death highly probable, but both would still be deemed murder.
PS4 specs out higher, but for some reason all the games are having trouble getting over 30fps. Forget about 60fps, your not going to see it out that wheel chock for a while. May we give you ClownZone: Framerates Fall while you wait. OOOOOHH look at the beautiful linear city! FoxbatAlphaAre you a moron? Even PS1 could output 60FPS if the devs wanted to. Its just a matter of what the devs think is more important. For instance, GoW3, that game looked amazing and ran smooth as butter at 30FPS. Could they have made it run at 60FPS? yes of course they could have, but I guarantee you all those epic moments and battles on moving titans would not have been possible. Both X1 and PS4 are capable of outputting 60FPS, its just a matter of if the devs would rather have a 60FPS game, or sacrifice some FPS to get better graphical fidelity
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