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#1 II_Seraphim_II
Member since 2007 • 20534 Posts

 [QUOTE="II_Seraphim_II"]I lov Sony santa monica and I love BSG!!!!!TREAL_Since


Some fvcking fantastic, poetic, and real ass writing. I hope this guy pours at least half the devotion into this game as he did BSG. I'm genuinely excited for the first time for a next gen game (outside of Phantom Pain).

Thank the Gods. So say we all!



OH SH!T! Its Treal Songz! I thought u died man lol. Aint seen you or your bro in ages.
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#2 II_Seraphim_II
Member since 2007 • 20534 Posts

Why must we consider all people who are racist stupid? Just because they have different opinions than us doesn't make them any less intelligent than everyone else. I'm not racism by any means, but just because they are racist doesn't make them uneducated.

If you have to make a point of telling people you arent racist without provocation....you probably are or at the very least have racist tendencies .... :?
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#3 II_Seraphim_II
Member since 2007 • 20534 Posts
I lov Sony santa monica and I love BSG!!!!!
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#4 II_Seraphim_II
Member since 2007 • 20534 Posts

inFAMOUS: 9/10 Mcshea

inFAMOUS 2: 7.5/10 Mcshea

inFAMOUS 3: ?

I'd love Mcshea to review it and applaud the regen health system in the third game. That would make my day.

First infamous didn't deserve 9.0 at all, god knows what mcshea was thinking. Probably a fat check from Sony

inFamous 1 was one of the worst games I've ever played in my life.

That moment when you have the perfect response, but it will get you banned....
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#5 II_Seraphim_II
Member since 2007 • 20534 Posts
[QUOTE="ShaineTheNerd"][QUOTE="II_Seraphim_II"][QUOTE="ShaineTheNerd"] It's sad Sony is releasing an incomplete system.

Huh? :?

You have to wait until spring for GaiKai! :lol:

Ok, but this is the PS4...and I can play PS4 games on it day one...so im not quite sure what the issue is. That's like saying "LOLOLOLZ People who bought borderlands 2 got ripped off cause the day one purchase did not come with DLC!!!!!" My main concern is the ability to play PS4 games offline and online. Other features such as GaiKai are addons as far as im concerned. Just like if X1 launched able to play games but the game sharing option was added later on...thats no biggie.
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#6 II_Seraphim_II
Member since 2007 • 20534 Posts

Patches are now DRM? This board gets stupider every day.

LOL!! No kidding. What you are witnessing is a bunch of paranoid cows with lots of time on their hands.

The whole DRM angle is retarded at best but lets not use euphemisms and call this a "patch", atleast not in the case of Forza 5. A patch is something that AUGMENTS or FIXES a features in a WORKING PRODUCT. What you are downloading here, isnt a patch, you are actually downloading the game. The word "patch" comes from the concept of "patching up" something. Meaning you have a working product, that has started to act defective, and you are just patching it up so it runs like new. In the case of Forza the disk you buy is nothing more than a download ticket. Heck, they could save money and just sell a piece of paper with a download code. I dont even understand the point of selling the disk.

If you are one of those people that likes owning a full game, well...you dont. Cause lets say its 8 years down the line and the X2 is coming out, and MS shuts off the X1 servers. Unless you already have Forza 5 installed on your console with the "patch", you have a dud. You cant play the game because there isnt any data on the disk.

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#7 II_Seraphim_II
Member since 2007 • 20534 Posts


does this really, truthfully bother anyone?


I could care less. I don't think it will affect anything in the end.

For me, I have no reason to fear this, but its not so much about whether or not you or I are sketchy people with shady on goings, its about what the precedent this sets. Lets take for instance gay marriage. Im not gay, so this doesnt really affect me in any way, form or manner, but do I still support gay marriage? yes. Why? because of the idea behind it, the idea of equality of all people. Just because gay marriage does not affect me in any shape or form, doesnt mean the underlying issue doesn't. If you can classify a group of people as second class citizens due to their sexual orientation, how is that any different from classifying people as second class citizens due to their race? With that legal precedent placed, it will be a lot easier to segregate, and mistreat people based on other lines. That's my concern with gay marriage.

So now regarding the X1 privacy issues. No, im not a terrorist or drug dealer or any such thing but do I want the precedent of allowing the government to spy on me 24/7 as they see fit? Heck no, and do you know why? Because laws change and evolve with time. The argument that "well im not shady so it doesnt bother me" is flawed for this reason. Remember the classic book 1984? Lets take Winston or any one living in the dystopia. Using that argument you could say "Well, there is nothing wrong with what the government is doing! If Winston just acted right and wasnt a shady, it shouldnt bother him that the government is all up his ass!" But that assumes the laws and regulations you are facing are fair and just. What if a new law is introduced that you deem to be completely unfair and injust?

For instance, a while there was talk about banning smoking inside a car in the UK, I think it was. Imagine if that was imposed for a home situation, and you happen to be playing X1 and u say one of the key trigger words that the NSA uses to spy on you and you happen to be smoking a ciggy in your house, cause you dont think the government has a right to tell you you cant smoke in your own house. I doubt the NSA would do anything about it, but if anyone ever wanted to make a case against you about it, they would now be tangible proof and evidence.Sure the argument could be made that "Well, then dont break the law!" but if that attitude was universal, I would probably on a plantation somewhere with chains around my neck picking cotton, cause no one had the balls to stand up to unjust laws.

Just my thoughts on the issue.

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#8 II_Seraphim_II
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Icenhancer, BF3, and Crysis 3......seems TC went down the hermit list of spam pics.
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#9 II_Seraphim_II
Member since 2007 • 20534 Posts
Japanese devs just sort of need to grow up. This reminds of the MGS5 reveal. Everything looked great, the themes looked mature and deep. Child soldiers and all that Jazz....I was like "damn...MGS is going hard and gritty this time!" then queue in scantly clad female sniper who looks like a pornstar. I think Japanese devs need to go through a reeducation program where they get to spend time with women and black people, cause they always seem terribly stereotyped in their games.
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#10 II_Seraphim_II
Member since 2007 • 20534 Posts

The mere fact that I criticize games for their linear and handholding quality automatically assumes I support open world games like Skyrim is hilarious.. Which just illustrates how fvcked up mainstream gaming has become as of late..


Im not gotta copy paste the entire post cause it would clog up the thread but let me respond:

You seem not to have a clue what I am talking about.. Let me explain it to you.. CoD syndrome.. Where your funneled down a narrow cooridore.. Ultimately led to some huge set explosion in which you have no control over or any input in there.. Bioshock Infinite was a damn good example of this..

What are you talking about? where did this happen? this clearly shows me that you havent played the game at all, because if you had played it (or read any review for that matter) you would understand that this game is devoid of set pieces. That's what makes it so different from the uncharted franchises. There are no major set pieces where you are running down a falling building shooting people along the way. This game is understated. All the tension in the game is due to character interaction and the tension and fear of being vulnerable amongst a large force of hostile forces. The entire time I played the game, I cannot remember a single COD-esque set piece. If I am mistaken, please, feel free to correct me. The only thing that may even remotely in some skewed way be considered to come close to a set piece, is the first 10 minutes of the game, the prologue and thats it for the entire game. So please, if you have evidence proving otherwise, do tell.

Yes I have as stated earlier.. TLOU isn't some masterpiece that some how broke the boundaries.. It had the exact same build up narrative in which you are hand held in doing certain things.. TLOU didn't do anything new in this regard, in fact it was quite standard to other games.

You don't always have to reinvent the wheel. Sometimes just making the best looking and performing car is good enough. You are assuming that every single game that comes out has to be a brand new and completely innovative adventure, which is a flawed way of thinking. What you are saying is that unless a game is completely revolutionary and innovative, it automatically cannot be a masterpiece. If you look at any medium of art, the majority of what we consider masterpieces are derivative of some prior form of art, gaming is no different. Sure there are masterpieces that are completely fresh and innovative, but those are the minority. The majority of masterpieces are just a perfection and extension of existing art. That's is what TLOU is. Its not brand never before seen concepts, and it doesnt have to be. It just has to be the best or one of the best in that category, and that's what it accomplishes, just like Bioshock Infinite. So your assumption that only brand new revolutionary experiences count as masterpieces is flawed at the core. Mozart and Bach didnt invent classical music, they just refined it to perfection, that's why their works are masterpieces.

And here is where I am going to stop you right here.. Your comparing a 2 hour movie to a video game in which it is meant to be interactive.. Has it ever occured to you why people are starting to yearn for games like Dayz? Because they are sick of the same linear ass narrative people have been playing for years now, especially in genres like FPS's..

Has it occured to you why TLOU is selling so amazingly well and is one of the highest rated games of all time? Could it possibly be because people like the game? You are erroneously claiming that people are no longer interested in a tight, cohesive narrative with linear but well defined gameplay, yet TLOU is selling very well. And while we are talking about linear games that hand hold you...What's the best selling franchise these days...I think it goes by something like...umm....Call of Duty? Yeah that's right CALL OF DUTY! King of linearity. So clearly people dont seem to have a problem with linearity. Once Day Z sells more than COD, then we can talk.

No I just find it hilarious that you some how think that sacrificing game depth just so the dev can shovel their half baked canned sh!t down your throat of a plot line is tolerable.

Once again your personal opinion being thrown around as fact. This is an art form, it is the creators RIGHT to show you what they want to show you. You make it seem like you have some special right to the game. Like the developer should consult you before they make the game. That's not how it works. The developer had a story in mind they wanted to share with you, and if you were interested, you bought it. If you werent you skipped it. Simple as that. I not a fan of all that abstract modern art nonsense, so I dont buy it. Simple as that. But people who understand it and enjoy it, buy it and love it...that's the thing about art, different people experience it differently. And once again, being linear doesnt automatically mean sacrificing depth. Give me some examples of how depth was sacrificed. Cause this game has a good melee system, a deep gunplay system, a deep gathering and crafting system, great survival elements, good stealth system. Where was the depth lost? Every aspect they decided to include in their game had sufficient depth for the scope. Or are you one of those people that thinks adding random frivolous activities counts as depth (i.e. San Andreas body building side quests)?