You do realize that being open world doesnt automatically make a game better right? SOmetimes having some focus and linearity is important to get the story going. Its certainly necessary for a game like TLOU which is more about human interaction than just blowing stuff up.[QUOTE="II_Seraphim_II"][QUOTE="SecretPolice"]Open world sandbox go anywhere game with derivable vehicles > hand holding more linear game with a bit prettier graphics. :P
Yeah because nothing screams strong DRAMA then holding your hand the entire way intermixed with set events in which you have no control over..
What are you talking about? I seriously have absolutely no idea what your post is about :? The only valid conclusion that I can come up with is that you probably never played TLOU. And as for you going on about "set events" pretty much every single game with an end objective has set events. You can say skyrim is open world and non linear, but does it not have a main story? does this main story not have a finite number of possible conclusions? Therefore is it not a "set event"? Lets look at GTA, does GTA not have a main story? Does the main story not have a finite amount of possible conclusions? Therefore can we not say that it has set events? its impossible to create a game with an end objective and not have set events, well, not until you create AI that can think on its own and construct the game world in real time ever altering the game world.
As for holding your hand the entire way...once again I ask, have you played TLOU? Cause it clearly seems to me that you are talking about a different and completely unrelated game. I'm pretty sure that this game puts you in an area, throws you some enemies, tells you to go from A to B, and then its up to you how you do that. You can be violent, sneaky, a mix of both. And when things go bad, its up to you to think on your feet. So I'm not quite sure what you are talking about which once again leads me to believe you havent played the game or are an idiotic fanboy.
And as for Drama, do you not watch movies? those are completely linear events where you have absolutely no input on what occurs, yet people still find them to be highly dramatic and entertaining, so completely ignoring the fact that you seem to know absolutely nothing about TLOU, you also seem to not know what makes something dramatic. Just to make it easy for you "open world and non linear" is not synonymous with "dramatic".
Not everyone has to make an open world game. its a trade off, open world games trade off deep characters for a larger world. For linear games are able to tell the story they want you hear, and show the character exactly as they want u to see the character. Its like those books where you can select how the story progresses. They are fun and all, but every now and then, you just wanna read a really great novel that tells you an exciting story, rather than having to make it up urself.
TLDR: You, sir, know not of what you speak of.
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