II_Seraphim_II's forum posts
[QUOTE="II_Seraphim_II"]just came back from my 1000km pilgrimage to pick up this game. Just loaded this baby up! So excited!!!BlabadonYou actually crossed countries for it? Yup, drove from Maputo, Mozambique to Pretoria, South Africa lol. :P Yeah, im dedicated like that...and I needed a lil break from studying :P
No we need someone intelligent[QUOTE="RR360DD"][QUOTE="Mr720fan"]
we need a woman.
Exactly, that's why he said a woman.
I think RR360DD's comment wasnt meant as a slight towards women, but he meant that we need someone intelligent regardless of sex, and I agree with that. They need someone who is intelligent, and someone who is charismatic and doesnt come off as a rich douche who is judging you for not having your own private jet. Someone who is more down to earth, cause right now the entire MS PR team all look like arrogant fat cat douches. :?[QUOTE="Douevenlift_bro"][QUOTE="campzor"]
Well according to a lot of ppl the original xbox smoked the ps2 in the graphics department (cue: splinter cell screens?)
yet kojima said
[quote="Kojima"]Ahhh, the Xbox, the graphics are probably a little better, but the systems are pretty much the same, the Xbox and the PS2.faizan_faizan
Just saying.
Oh shit, well. Thread over thenÂ
The diff. between XBOX and PS2 graphics wise was BIG.
Yep, that's why one of the best FPSs never came to PS2 like Half Life 2, Far Cry, DOOM 3 and many more. Yo, remember when Riddick came out on Xbox? That game was light years ahead of the PS2. Same with Conker. Xbox decimated the PS2 graphics-wise.[QUOTE="jimmyrussle117"][QUOTE="clyde46"]Yea, don't care. It wont run The Division or Watch Dogs at 60FPS.clyde46
Those demos were running on a PC.
Peasants these days.
Try again peasant. http://imgur.com/4I2gbxF" title="http://imgur.com/4I2gbxF">
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