Hey, I just got an email from PSN giving me a UC3 voucher code that gave a discount on DLC. Is it illegal to give it away if I'm not getting UC3?
Ian_K2772's forum posts
Assassin's Creed's soundtrack. Jesper Kyd is awesome.
Two different games, two different audiences.
You could replace Uncharted 3 with any other non-fps in the title, and this topic still wouldn't make sense.
Unless the PS3 owner is super rich, he or she has to choose between Uncharted 3 or Modern Warfare 3 this November.
I'm buying neither.
Skyrim>>>>>>>>KOF XIII>>>>Uncharted 3>>>>>>>AC: Revelations>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Modern Rehash 3
Pretty much this except (huge AC fan) HOW DARE YOU PUT UNCHARTED IN FRONT OF AC! xDIm sorry, but after reading Game Informers take on its playtime with MW3, I am simply not at all hyped for this game. They flat out said that all in all in their playtime they felt like they were play more of a glorified map pack than a new game experience. In fact they said that with all of the advances that blops made for the franchise, IW/Sledgehammer have taken it a step back with their insistance that MW3 feel like a continuation of MW2 and not necessarily an advancement in the series from a technology standpoint. I am also just worn out and tired of the CoD crowd. The population that plays this game consists of shrieking, spoiled 9-14 year olds, immature 16-18 year olds and the "bro gamer" 18-25 year old college kid that talks about nothing but smoking weed, getting drunk and threatening to find you and kick your teeth in "if he ever finds you". Honestly, in general the population of CoD players are the dregs of society. Nope, Ill play with the adults in BF3. I will never touch another CoD game until they find a way to have rooms specifically for adults and for people who can act like mature people and just have fun!! In fact, istead of putting the "MA" 18+ label on CoD boxes, they should put "for people who are incredibly immature, racist and mindless"ShoTTyMcNaDeSThis post deserves an award xD.
PC version's the best, but seeing as my computer is crappy as hell, I play everything on PS3.
Yeah, but I never played Battlefield 2. We were caught by CoD, however gave BC2 a chance (a very stupid choice, as I see it).
So because you've never played Battlefield 2 it's okay to speak of a different game just because they are from the same franchise?
Wow...just wow :?
Yeah, it's all the same. BC2 isn't drastically different from BF2. It's all the same, bro.
And many who have been playing the BF3 beta, has said it's too similar to BC2.
...Yeah, he hasn't played BF2 lmao. BF2 is SO much better than BC2, and BC2 was great.I'd say something, but I'd get modded, lol.Me and a friend of mine were having a discussion about Gears 3 yesterday.
Me: How are things going in Gears 3, owning some noobs lately?
He: Yeah, because I have already said it will be my last game this year, I am trying to get pro at it, it has my full focus atm.
Me: What, so you are not going to buy MW3?!
He: Well, of course, but MW3 doesn't count, because it's not a game, but rather a way of life. You always buy CoD.
Do you agree? I thought about what he had said, and came to the conclusion that it may very well be the case in these days.
Well, if you want 20+ hours of gameplay, go with AC2. I'd also recommend picking up Brotherhood and Revelations when you're done.
80G from MGS4 Bundle, 3 1/2 years old :D
Assassin's Creed II/Brotherhood. Both are soon to be replaced by Revelations :P
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