New Super Mario Bros
Mario Kart
Age of Empires: Age of Kings (Turn Based Strategy; it was released back in 2006, online is the only place you'll find it now)
Mario & Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story
From my collection, those are the ones you "must have" Others will have WAY more ideas then me, because the list is VERY long.
I second Mario Kart and New Super Mario Bros. Also:
The World Ends With You (J-RPG. Some people say that this game is the second coming of Christ.)
Hotel Dusk (Adventure)
Phoenix Wright games (adventure)
Picross and Picross 3D (puzzle)
Professor Layton games (puzzle)
Elite Beat Agents (Rhythm. This one is from 2006, so it'll be pretty hard to find.)
And, of course, if you want something that you can waste your life on it, get a pokemon game and dive into competitive battling.
Grinding is one of my most favorite things to do. Probaly becasude pokemon is what got me into gaming as a 1st grader
Then check one of the Etrian Odyssey games. Old-style dungeon exploring RPG. Grinding taken to a whole new level.
Gosh, there really is people out there that like grinding!
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