Street Fighter, and if I'm lucky, a JUS sequel.
Icare0's forum posts
Wait, there is a pokemon game that isn't bland?:shock:
Story-wise, all pokemon games are bland, and gameplay-wise, platinum was the one that I had the most fun playing. And I'm counting with BW.
I'm not.
It's even expected, after 3 consecutive generations with a fire/fighting starter.
*sticks shotgun barrel inside quagsire's mouth* i'm SO gonna enjoy this...[QUOTE="Icare0"]
*Giant quagsire waves at BrunoBRS*
Funny enough, I actually like this guy. Yes, he's retarded beyond reason, but you gotta love those eyes.
*Giant quagsire waves at BrunoBRS*
they ARE the worst in the series. I guess if one didn't start on red/blue one would think they are "worse" simply because Ruby/Sapphire had more stuff. The pokemon introduced were LAME (with exception to a few GREAT ones). they removed a ton of features that made gold/silver great. THATS why its the worst. Not because its a bad game.
I DID start with Blue. I played games from every generation.
But let me get this straight: RSE is the worst because it's not the worst, but came after GSC, which is theoretically better?
Worst gen in the series? Hmm... I have to disagree. Even though Red/Blue/Yellow started the series, I still think it's the worst compared to the future gens.
I would love to see a Ruby/Sapphire remake. I wasn't able to fully experience the originals back then so I don't know Hoenn as much as I know Kanto, Johto, and Sinnoh.
Possibility of it being created? I'll say about 90%. >__> Seeing how GameFreak already has a pattern of what games will be released and when, I'm sure we'll be seeing Hoenn again in 2012 (Japan) and 2013 (Worldwide).ANIMEguy10034
This, pretty much.
Nostalgic factor aside, RBY was the worst generation. Too many bugs, unbalanced mutiplayer, infuriating gameplay in Yellow's case, AND THAT FRIGGIN' ELECTRIC GYM.
Didn't had the opportunity to really enjoy RSE games too, so i wouldn't mind a remake.
Chrono Trigger is a case of Seinfeld Is Unfunny.
To quote Tv tropes:
There are certain shows that you can safely assume most people have seen. These shows were popular and considered fantastic when they first aired.Now, however, these shows have a curse upon them. Whenever we watch them, we'll cry, "That is so old" or "That is so overdone". The sad irony? It wasn't old when they did it. It wasn't overdone when they made it up. But the things it created were so brilliant and so popular with other show writers that they were not only copied, they became woven into the fabric of that show's genre — to the point that they are taken for granted, and endlessly repeated. Although they often began with the intention of shaking up an existing status quo and saying something new, they in turn through a process of over-exposure and imitation became the status quo, and are thus subject to accusations of being Rule Abiding Rebels by later generations who aren't aware that they did it first.TV Tropes
(Links removed for brain safety)
By today standards, granted, it's not that good. However, Chrono Trigger made the standards become what they are today.
Did anyone see any Nitro Charge LO Hihidaruma?
I would love to use it in Hi-fi, but i think that with all that priority running around it would be pretty hard.
Yes I'm gonna selfishly threadwhore. >:D So this is for competitive and in-game,MinnieEars
Here, full stop.
First things first. There is no such thing as a team for in-game play AND for competitive battling. Okay, there is, but you wouldn't be able to do it without breeding the team in another game and trading. And breeding takes a LOT of time.
Also it would ruin you fun, making the game too easy, and wouldn't be a team, but only 2 pokes at most.
but for the moment just in-game. I really wanna beat Champion Red on Soul Silver. I need two more Kanto badges. I'd gotten to him before but I wasn't strong enough so I started the game again. xDD Could y'all help me choose good moves and balance my team? I want to teach Clefairy a fire move so that it'll balance. Also, what items are good for each? I have: FERALIGATR Level 58 [NeverMeltIce] -Hydro Cannon -Screech -Surf -Blizzard TOGEKISS level 60 -Ancient Power -Powder Wind -Roost -Charm VICTREEBEL level 59 [Rose Incense] -Leaf Blade -SolarBeam -Leaf Storm -Growth (I'm well aware of the whole it's best to have one offensive move of one type thing. Care to help?) PUPITAR level 40 -Earthquake -Sandstorm -Screech -Payback CLEFAIRY level 37 (fail xD) -Moonlight -Gravity -Cosmic Power -Metronome ESPEON level 58 -Hyper Beam -Psych Up -Flash (I'll delete this... .__.") -Shadow BallMinnieEars
Just give Feraligatr waterfall over hydro cannon, and maybe swords dance, and never use anything else. Given enough grinding, a magikarp can beat Red.
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