asked for a ds for xmas, want soulsilver, N+, and legend of zelda: Phantom Hourglass...and other recommendations?
Mario Kart is a must get for any DS owner.
Then TWEWY if you want a RPG, Hotel Dusk / Phoenix Wright if you want a adventure game, Piccros/ Layton if you want puzzles, New Super Mario Bros if you want a platformer, Elite Beat Agents if you want a rhythm, GTA Chinatown if you want a action game, and if you want fighting, you could get Jump Ultimate Stars, but you're 6 years late and the community is pretty much dead.
I'll begin to copy/paste this every time someone ask for a game without any specifics.
Ah forgot all about GTA Chinatown, thanks, im also looking at scribblenautsBad touch-screen controls broke the game IMO. But a lot of people out there love it.
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