Brawl has online play, and it helps a LOT.
Icare0's forum posts
Nah, don't be concerned. The Wii will turn to ashes, but hey, play RE4 and use it to improve the mood.
Actually i were interested in your heatran but found one half hour ago, so..
Every pokemon give a specific amount of points of a specific stat. A magicarp, for example, will always give 1 hp point, while a gengar always give 3 Sp Atk points. You can check what and how many EV points a pokemon give looking in Bulbapadia. Simply search for the pokemon you want to see and lookat the box that has his picture at the right side.
OR, you can scroll up and try reading guide I have posted. This time for real. It teachs the bests places to train every stat and how to speed things up.
And remember, telling lies is a bad, bad thing.
I read the guide( thanks for the help) but I'm still not quite sure about it.Ziffster
About EV training?
Simply put, every time you defeat a poke, the poke you used gain something called EV point. Every four EV point put in a stat give your poke +1 on that stat. Your poke can gain 510 EV points, or +127 total, with a max of +63 on a given stat, which is a pretty big amont. The way you spread the EV of your poke can change ridiculous his power or bulkiness. Or completely ruin it. Let's take, for example, an Heatran that doesn't have Explosion. He will never ever use it's Atk, so if you put EV points in his Atk, you will be wasting them. It would be better used for boosting his SpAtk and Speed so he can sweep the enemy team.
Look at my previous post, there's a link at the end.
EDIT: And it's not like you NEED to EV train the pokes that you breed to trade, anyone can do that and a lot of people, myself included, prefer not trained pokes. But you can't EV train a LV 100 Poke, which means that hardly someone will want your Shiny Venusaur, for example, because his EV spread probably is messed.
This 5th generation stuff sounds stupid to me.
In the 4th generation (diamond, pearl, and platinum) they said that Arceus was the first pokemon, and Palkia and Dialga were both the second pokemon, and Azelf, Uxic, and Mesprit were the third pokemon or something like that. How many more can they make??
Oh, remember the good old days when there was only 151 pokemon? Ahhhh yes. That's when Pokemon was cooler.
You are simply nostalgic. RBY was full of bugs, glitches, had exactly the same history, and the same gameplay.
Okay, i'll admit, not the same gameplay, but a worse one. Completely unbalanced and without options. There were only 3 dragons and 3 ghosts, but also a massive 33 poison pokemons. More than 1/5 of the game was poison. And all of them were completely useless because the phychic type were unstoppable.
Idk. I'm sick of remakes personally. The real question is, why is every active thread on the DS a pokemon related thread?wiretoss
Second best selling franchise ever, losing only to Mario games.
Wut is the EV?Ziffster
This pretty much settles it. I don't belive you'll get a shiny Lucario with that pokes if you haven't EV trained the lv 100 ones, and if you haven't soft reseted for good IV in the legendaries.
Guide to EV Training
It would help if you post the IVs, the moveset and the EV spread of all of them.
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