Uhhh Hey Guys As I Said In The SubjectI Know This Is Kinda Late ButI NeedSome Suggestions On My Team:
Infernape - Blast Burn, Flame Wheel, Close Combat, Flare Blitz (saving up BP for earthquake)
Sceptile - Frenzy Plant, Quick Attack, Slam, Leaf Blade
Lucario - Dark Pulse, Dragon Pulse, Aura Sphere, Close Combat
Garchomp - Dragon Claw, Dragon Rush, Fire Fang, Dig
Staraptor - Endeavor, Close Combat, Aerial Ace, Fly
Pikachu - Thunder, Volt Tackle, Iron Tail, Discharge
Picachu: erm.. This thing is as suboptimal as it can get, and you should replace it.
Metagross Or Tyranitar?
Thing is, your team, doesn't have a dedicated sweeper, doesn't have a defensive core, doesn't have a theme, nor anything. As long as I can see, is only a bunch of pokemons put together, so it doesn't make THAT difference.
Between tyranitar and Gross, a metagross would further your team's fire weakness, without solving the Earth problem. tyranitar is another big poke and doesn't add anything. A bulky water would be better.
Maybe a Earthquake/Ice beam/protect/stealth rock @leftovers Swampert with 252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 Def EVs put at leader position, as it's only weakness [grass] is covered by a lot of thing in your tem already. Earthquake for stab, Ice beam for the OHKO on salamence, protect for those pesky leaders that have Explosion [coughazelfcoughheatrancough] and stealth rock because lucario really love having it in play.
If you use the swampert, Think about changing lucario to a Swords dance/close combat/extremespeed/ice punch @Life orb with 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe EV spread.
edited for speling, EV correction, and to add the lucario set.
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