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#1 Icare0
Member since 2009 • 409 Posts


"DragonQuest V" is boring?




many people dont tend to agree but I find the game extremly boring, the combat consist of same tactics over and over again (dont even need to change durring boss fights)

the story is not interesting and the character is not intressting since this game have a silent protagonist, I have nothing against silent protagonist but some people seams to think that just remove his dialogue and make somone else say it and BAM it's good.

and this game does it even worse since there barley is any other characters around him and the few that are have less personality then a spoon


However, I would play Dragon quest first. I would never play it till the end if had just played TWEWY. Okay, I have not played even half of it anyway, but you get the picture.

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#2 Icare0
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I'm looking for a solid Wi-Fi game that either requires strategy or has plenty of offline fun. I tried Pokemon, but I'm kind of a perfectionist and having to EV train and IV breed quickly became tedious.

I'm looking at Yu-Gi-Oh 09 but I don't know too much about Yu-Gi-Oh (never played the card game). Would it be easy to get into or are there other games I should look at?


If you can learn how to make powerful decks quickly, Yu-Gi-oh could be fun. If not, losing every single time COULD make you get tired. I've tried, but failed miserably.

If you're looking for a game with strong Wi-Fi, what about Mario Kart DS?

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#3 Icare0
Member since 2009 • 409 Posts

8 will never happen. As I said before the spirit of the game is to interact with other players, not have an amazing single player mode. Removing the need to trade is as good as removing the goal of interaction. The original idea behind the games was to make other people have to get together and trade to fully complete the game. Battling also came in since it allowed more interaction between players. However, 8 ruins the whole original idea behind the games that the makers had. It discourages trading, since if you can obtain everything yourself, it's all of sudden weak to need rely on someone else to trade with. 7 will also never happen since it ruins competitive battling as it is. YOU ARE NOT MEANT TO BE A POKEMON IN THE GAMES. YOU ARE A TRAINER. As a trainer you don't get to be the one fighting, you make commands. It doesn't make sense for the trainer to somehow just take full control of the Pokemon, since they are separate beings, even though the Pokemon is fully obedient. Strategy is a key part of the battling system, and I know many people don't want it to be replaced by another physical dexterity fighter challenge. Now for the rest, 1 and 2 are definitely fine. 3 is a bit iffy, after all, the games have a set path most of the time, that can be deviated from a bit (I remember getting the 6th badge before the 5th in one run of RBY, but the other way around in another), and why change a successful formula that people obviously love for some crackpot plan that people could end up hating? 4 would actually be pretty boring despite how many people say they want it, since in the end it's just random trainer fights too, not anything special. 5 again messes with the games formula, and there's no point risking fans for another crackpot idea from one guy, when most of the world likes it as is. 6 would be fine, after all each game has some side minigames. These people don't follow each fanboy's ideas to make the game have a more in-depth story because the current system works. They don't need to risk everything because one fan complains and wants some random stuff that doesn't fit in with the original formula. No company's going to risk it all for one person's idea.Hegna1


Except at 7. That is not tha proplem. The problem is that people need to realise that it alrealdy exist: The Mystery Dungeon series.

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#4 Icare0
Member since 2009 • 409 Posts


TWEWY takes less then a day to finish if you have about 6 hours of free time so start with Dragon Quest V I guess. ut I don't know. I didn't like Dragon Quest V


less than a day?!?!!? took me 20 hours and i rushed through it.

Strange. I can finish the storyline in 2 hours. ;P But then again, I've only played it a billion times. I'm just trying to say that it's short.


Film yourserlf doind it and put in the NET. Hell, SELL it in the net. If you isn't talking only about the first week, or about replaying it using the equip that you gained on the first playthrogh, that shoud be a record. I've tried power-rushing through tha game and needed 12 hours. In my first playthrough, it took me nearly 40 hours to do it.

How you 'friggin do it? I dont think that in 2 hours you have the time to farm anything. What you do abou the talk?

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#5 Icare0
Member since 2009 • 409 Posts


do you know of a good site for me to read up on pokemon before i try out one of the new games.stEElyDaN909


This is probably the most used site on the internet for this sort of thing. It has EVERYTHING pokemon, so be expected to run into plenty of anime and TCG stuff along with game updates. If you want to learn about the games, they are on the left hand side of the main page.

I'd also like to give my two cents about competetive battling. I got into it, but gave it up once I realized that most of my opponents were either:

1: Kids who didn't know how to play competetively.

2: 20something year olds who don't work, live with their parents and spend the majority of their time playing Pokemon.

^Now this does not apply to everyone, obviously, but I really don't feel comfortable playing with people who treat a kids game like it's a religion. I don't care how much depth the battle system has or how much customization the game has to offer: the game is still directed at the 7-13 year old demographic and they are the primary customers. That doesn't mean that only kids can enjoy the game. Lots of people of all ages enjoy pokemon. It just means that it's made primarily for kids, and I couldn't feel comfortable being around a bunch of people who take it waaaaay too seriously.

I think that introducing he to competitive battling movesets even before he plays any game can ruin his gameplay experience. The use of most of the movesets used there has full gamebreaking potential. Let's get real, what, in DPPt, can stop ,say, a standard Nasty Plot Infernape, a Mixmence, a SD scizor, or something like that? Maybe ONE trainer can take down ONE of these threats. I've plown through the entire game using a Mixape and a Staraptor, both not properly EVed.

Edit: About yours two cents, the Politetrafluoretileno (I don't know how it's named in english), also called Teflon, was made to be used only in astronaut equipment, but I bet that you have in your house a frying pan in which it was used.


I say that you should play without reading anything about it, and only when you feel that you want something more and start battling other people, you read about strategies. There has no need, really.

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#6 Icare0
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Yeah, it could be that one code.

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#7 Icare0
Member since 2009 • 409 Posts

Guys, I need your opinions on the storyline, but especially the gameplay for these games:

- Phantasy Star 0

-Pheonix Right Attorney.

I want to start playing Pheonix right attorney from the beginning. I want to know what kind of an adventure game it is. Is it a point and click? Very confused.

What about Phantasy Star 0. I am equally also interested in this game.


Phoenix Wright series are a typical adventure game. It's gameplay is divided in two parts: investigation and trial. At investigation, you go from place to place questioning people and uncovering evidence and lies. At trial you cross-examine people, :coughmudererscough: present evidence, shout random "OBJECTION!"s in the middle of the bus and stare at the DS not believing how many plot twists a single case can have. The storyline, among with the characters and the soundstrack, is the soul of the game, and THE reason to play it, like all adventure games.

PS0 gameplay: Get a mission, go to random place. Mash buttons to kill monsters. Get another mission. Mash buttons again. Repeat.

I didn't play enough time to evaluate it's storyline, but one should expect that after some hours of gameplay you, at least, have to know the plot. I've played 7 hours and still don't know the plot. Unless the plot were those lames excuses that the game give us to make us kill more monsters. But I really don't want to believe that the plot of a game is a mayor asking us to kill a dragon so he can have some tea leaves.

Edited for spelling

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#8 Icare0
Member since 2009 • 409 Posts

Guys, Nintendo only announced a new Pokemon game to the DS. The only thing that can be undestood from that is that there will be a new pokemon game on DS!

There's no point in creating crazy theories of a new handheld only based on that! It's like saying "My chinese vase was broken by a cat, then tomorrow will be a rainy day. Because the vase had a rain painting." And if something like that has happened in the past, nothing says that it WILL happen again.

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#9 Icare0
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[QUOTE="BrunoBRS"] i was 7 and didn't know a word of english. that didn't get in my way when i started playing pokemon blue :PBrunoBRS

I was 8 and didn't know anything about english, but "The book is on the table". It's kind of a running gag here in Brazil.

i know my country's bad jokes, thank you :P

Ya know, I was just agreeing with your point. In case it wasn't clear the "but" could be replaced for "except" if you want. The explanation was for other people. Of course you know ours bad jokes. Like, Bruno BR isn't exactly "gringo"-ish, if you know what i meant.


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#10 Icare0
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[QUOTE="rubber-chicken"] Please noooo :( no more evolutions! Leave them as they are :P Haharubber-chicken

Maybe except for Dugtrio, all of them need some evolutions. And there's never enough eeveelutions.


Why new pre-evolutions, however, is beyond me.

as for the eeveelutions. I think after espeon and umbreon it got a bit out of hand. espeon and umbreon are awesome. but now theyre going to make one for every type and the eeveelutions will be all over the place! I think leafeon is okay but in my opinion glaceon wasnt a good idea. Without glaceon, there wouldve been 6 eeveelutions, perfect for a whole team but with 7 youll have one missing in your team :P and I think glaceon was a bad idea because vaporeon can learn all of the same moves as glaceon along with water moves. :P

Glaceon has STAB Blizzard in hail teams. The most powerful bizzard out there actually. And I still vote for Dragoreon and Metalreon \o

However, i have never seen a Espeon in standard. In 4 years of competitive battling.