Hmmm....I would change gyrados' item to life orb, but otherwise his move set seems to be the one suggested on smogon.
Aggron isnt the best choice over all, but if youre looking for a good rock steel combo im not sure theres anything better. id get rid of iron defenseand put in stealth rock
Take salamence's life orb and give him a lum berry and replace dragon rush with outrage
Torterra? Get rid of him if you want a good grass pkmn go with sceptile.
get rid of charizard and put in either infernpe with: mach punch, earthquake, flare blitz, and close combat or typholsion with eruption. FYI sceptile and ty make a really good combo
get rid of spiritomb, hes no very good either. if you want ghost go woth gengar of dusknoir. If you want my suggestion, replace whim with garchomp!
Got that?: gyrados, aggron, salamence, infernape/typholsion, sceptile, gengar /dusknoir/GARCHOMP go with garchomp he ROCKS THE WORLD
if you want more strategy and team suggestions, go to
1) Torterra and Sceptile fill differents roles. Sceptile can be a subseeder, the faster of all, granted, a revenge killer, a physical and special sweeper. But Torterra has the bulk to counter several threats, like Tyranitar, Rhyperior and Gyarados. You can't really compare a sweeper to a tank.
2) Charizard vs Infernape. Again, different roles. Most charizards sets are built to subs/belly drum to activate a berry, then sweep. It's much harder to pull of than a NP/SD -> sweep, but has more power, and has different counters.
3) Sipiritomb has bulk that gengar doesn't have.
4) If you really know, then you should know that Chomp is Uber since the beginning of platinum.
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