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#1 Icare0
Member since 2009 • 409 Posts


well i never played pokemon and have always wanted to give it a try. RPG's were never really my favorite type of game but it seems like people have a blast playing Pokemon. If I were to buy a Pokemon game what would you recommend. I see two new ones will be out soon HeartGold and SoulSilver. Should I get one of those or go with an older version.


Don't start playing Pokemon. If you start with it, you will never be able to leave the saga again, believe me. And Nintendo know this, so they release and re-release new versions of Pokemon every week.

This is true in so many ways..

NEVER, EVER start competitive battling. You will not want do do anything else. It'll ruin your social life. I still can't belive that i can identify more than 400 little monsters, and say what every one of them can do.

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#2 Icare0
Member since 2009 • 409 Posts

whats smogon.com?


A website/forum dedicated to competitive battling. It has pokemon analysis, movesets, guides and lots more. But it's VERY focused in the Shoddy battle metagame, which is a soft used to competitive battling using the PC. It's metagame includes the Rotom Appliances, which changes quite a bit the metagame, and mote stall teams, because of the quick pace of the battle in Shoddy doesn't make a stall battle boring, plus any Hidden Power you want, among others things, so not everything can be used in the wi-fi metagame, but still a very good guide to use. The best, really.

Oh, and it's also the community that defines the rules of competitive battling, what's uber, and what's not, and some others things like that. It's really worth a visit.

Ps.: The forretress set that i suggested came from there too.


Edited to check spelling

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#3 Icare0
Member since 2009 • 409 Posts

they said the game's being made for the DS, not a new hardware... so STOP THINKING A NEW DS IS COMING BECAUSE OF THIS.BrunoBRS


It's really not that hard to see that they talk about a new pokemon game in the ds.

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#4 Icare0
Member since 2009 • 409 Posts

Hmmm....I would change gyrados' item to life orb, but otherwise his move set seems to be the one suggested on smogon.

Aggron isnt the best choice over all, but if youre looking for a good rock steel combo im not sure theres anything better. id get rid of iron defenseand put in stealth rock

Take salamence's life orb and give him a lum berry and replace dragon rush with outrage

Torterra? Get rid of him if you want a good grass pkmn go with sceptile.

get rid of charizard and put in either infernpe with: mach punch, earthquake, flare blitz, and close combat or typholsion with eruption. FYI sceptile and ty make a really good combo

get rid of spiritomb, hes no very good either. if you want ghost go woth gengar of dusknoir. If you want my suggestion, replace whim with garchomp!

Got that?: gyrados, aggron, salamence, infernape/typholsion, sceptile, gengar /dusknoir/GARCHOMP go with garchomp he ROCKS THE WORLD

if you want more strategy and team suggestions, go to smogon.com


1) Torterra and Sceptile fill differents roles. Sceptile can be a subseeder, the faster of all, granted, a revenge killer, a physical and special sweeper. But Torterra has the bulk to counter several threats, like Tyranitar, Rhyperior and Gyarados. You can't really compare a sweeper to a tank.

2) Charizard vs Infernape. Again, different roles. Most charizards sets are built to subs/belly drum to activate a berry, then sweep. It's much harder to pull of than a NP/SD -> sweep, but has more power, and has different counters.

3) Sipiritomb has bulk that gengar doesn't have.

4) If you really know Smogon.com, then you should know that Chomp is Uber since the beginning of platinum.

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#5 Icare0
Member since 2009 • 409 Posts

1) Get rid of charizard. Or get a spinner. Or a aerodactyl lead to taunt opponent lead. Most of today metagame is centered in having/not having SR down, and charizard WILL switch in with 50% less hp if you don't do anything about it. Blaze + Subs + Sunny Day is powerful, but you don't have the support to pull it off. And, for this set, spikes support is essential. With 2 layers of spikes, a SR and Petaya Berry, your Fire Blast is able to OHKO a Chansey. Without, you need some way to cripple Special walls. If you really want to use it despite every thing I've said, give it a Petaya Berry, switch-in in something that will be switched off, Substitute, Sunny day, sweep. But then, priority problem ensues.

2) Aggron. I can't see exactly what role it fills in your team, AND it has two x4 common weakness, plus a 60 base Sdef that assures that almost any special Water-type attack will OHKO Aggron outside of sandstorm. However, if it's a important part of some strategy that I couldn't see, it's okay.

Edit: If it's there just because you need a physical wall, what exactly he counters? I would switch it in favor of Forrestress to get Spikes + Rapid Spin.


EV:252 HP / 112 Atk / 144 Def, Relaxed

~ Spikes
~ Rapid Spin
~ Gyro Ball / Payback
~ Earthquake / Explosion

@Shed Shell / Leftovers

Edit2: Spelling, check.

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#6 Icare0
Member since 2009 • 409 Posts

For me, only Golden Sun DS and Pokemon SS/HG.

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#7 Icare0
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Hotel Dusk.

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#8 Icare0
Member since 2009 • 409 Posts


SMT Devil Survivor wasn't hard. If you grind a little bit it can even become boring.

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#9 Icare0
Member since 2009 • 409 Posts

It's an adventure game, like Hotel Dusk, but less talk-based.

It's an old school point-n-click adventure game.

I enjoyed it a LOT.

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#10 Icare0
Member since 2009 • 409 Posts

Your Mileage May Vary, but as long as you have fun with if and don't use to screw people up in wi-fi games, I think it's okay.

Games are made to make people have fun. The only wrong way to do it it's not having fun, or screwing with other people fun.