This is true in so many ways..
NEVER, EVER start competitive battling. You will not want do do anything else. It'll ruin your social life. I still can't belive that i can identify more than 400 little monsters, and say what every one of them can do.
haha, yes. while i love competitive battling, it does consume ALOT of time. i wouldn't say i know what every pokemon can do, just all the good ones. wierdest of all is how many base speeds i know.
Well if you use shoddybattle then you can customize teams without going through all that hassle of ev training, leveling up etc, and vs other people online. Great way to get into competitive play without taking up too much of your time.
True, but playing in the DS give another feel to the battles and to the game. The swampert on my team at Shoddy is only a sprite and a bunch of numbers, but the one that I wasted a week to breed with correct HPower and good IV is like a son to me. And i didn't even begin to talk about Vapper, the first poke that I breed-ed.
Weird, i know, but it's the truth.
Edit: Truth be said, i would NEVER do something like that again. Breeding for a 70 power HP +31 Speed IV is roughly as hard as breed to get a top.
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