@Thanatos2k: Widely criticized? Holy hell.... And again, the "fanboy" comments. I am a fanboy of every gaming company out there, just depends on which particular sort of hater I'm talking to which particular type of fanboy I am that day. You, however, are a borderline troll.
@ylfaer: So really, I'm a "fanboy" because I buy Nintendo's stuff....but I buy EVERYONE's stuff. So, in some underhanded way, you're telling me that I'm responsible for keeping the entire gaming industry afloat. Yes, that's correct. How insightful of you.
@ylfaer: Actually, just being able to plop down a handheld, break off two parts and play some old school SF2 is the type of "fun" I"m talking about. Also, creative ideas to play games outside of the core gaming experience. That's what made Wii successful, whether you liked that platform or not, and that's Nintendo's thing. In fact, it's been Nintendo's thing since they made light gun games in the 70's or launched the NES with ROB...and the power glove...and the stupid mat thing for track and field...etc etc.
@gsbenke: I'll put it clearly - if you are buying a game console for its SPECS to dollar value instead of its actual value to you with its first party exclusives and to some extent, capabilities, you are doing it wrong.
@thomasn7: SMFH...the NS has current specs, it's a handheld more powerful than their previous console. Nobody out there should be buying a Nintendo console for "everything", I wouldn't even buy a PS4 or X1 for everything.
@Thanatos2k: The HDD in the PS4 is not big at all, are you kidding me? And they don't allow external drives, though the Wii U did this over a year before the PS4 launched...and X1 did it at launch. AND, Nintendo had day 1 downloads before Microsoft. So really, of all the dumb things for you to come up with, this is probably at the top.
Iconoclysm's comments